Source code for utility_functions

Utility functions for SRSF Manipulations

moduleauthor:: J. Derek Tucker <>


from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline, interp1d
from scipy.integrate import trapz, cumtrapz
from scipy.linalg import norm, svd, cholesky, inv, pinv
from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles
from scipy import special as sp
from numpy import zeros, interp, finfo, double, sqrt, diff, linspace
from numpy import arccos, sin, cos, arange, ascontiguousarray, round
from numpy import ones, real, pi, cumsum, fabs, cov, diagflat, inner
from numpy import gradient, column_stack, append, mean, hstack, median
from numpy import insert, vectorize, ceil, mod, array, quantile, dot
from numpy import exp
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import numpy.random as rn
import optimum_reparamN2 as orN2
import optimum_reparam_N as orN
import cbayesian as bay
import fdasrsf.geometry as geo
from fdasrsf.rbfgs import rlbfgs
import sys

[docs]def smooth_data(f, sparam=1): """ This function smooths a collection of functions using a box filter :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M functions with N samples :param sparam: Number of times to run box filter (default = 25) :rtype: numpy ndarray :return f: smoothed functions functions """ M = f.shape[0] N = f.shape[1] fo = f.copy() for k in range(0, sparam): for r in range(0, N): fo[1:(M - 2), r] = (fo[0:(M - 3), r] + 2 * fo[1:(M - 2), r] + fo[2:(M - 1), r]) / 4 return fo
[docs]def gradient_spline(time, f, smooth=False): """ This function takes the gradient of f using b-spline smoothing :param time: vector of size N describing the sample points :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M functions with N samples :param smooth: smooth data (default = F) :rtype: tuple of numpy ndarray :return f0: smoothed functions functions :return g: first derivative of each function :return g2: second derivative of each function """ M = f.shape[0] if f.ndim > 1: N = f.shape[1] f0 = zeros((M, N)) g = zeros((M, N)) g2 = zeros((M, N)) for k in range(0, N): if smooth: spar = time.shape[0] * (.025 * fabs(f[:, k]).max()) ** 2 else: spar = 0 tmp_spline = UnivariateSpline(time, f[:, k], s=spar) f0[:, k] = tmp_spline(time) g[:, k] = tmp_spline(time, 1) g2[:, k] = tmp_spline(time, 2) else: if smooth: spar = time.shape[0] * (.025 * fabs(f).max()) ** 2 else: spar = 0 tmp_spline = UnivariateSpline(time, f, s=spar) f0 = tmp_spline(time) g = tmp_spline(time, 1) g2 = tmp_spline(time, 2) return f0, g, g2
[docs]def f_to_srsf(f, time, smooth=False): """ converts f to a square-root slope function (SRSF) :param f: vector of size N samples :param time: vector of size N describing the sample points :rtype: vector :return q: srsf of f """ eps = finfo(double).eps f0, g, g2 = gradient_spline(time, f, smooth) q = g / sqrt(fabs(g) + eps) return q
[docs]def srsf_to_f(q, time, f0=0.0): """ converts q (srsf) to a function :param q: vector of size N samples of srsf :param time: vector of size N describing time sample points :param f0: initial value :rtype: vector :return f: function """ integrand = q*fabs(q) f = f0 + cumtrapz(integrand,time,initial=0) return f
[docs]def optimum_reparam(q1, time, q2, method="DP2", lam=0.0, grid_dim=7): """ calculates the warping to align srsf q2 to q1 :param q1: vector of size N or array of NxM samples of first SRSF :param time: vector of size N describing the sample points :param q2: vector of size N or array of NxM samples samples of second SRSF :param method: method to apply optimization (default="DP2") options are "DP","DP2","RBFGS" :param lam: controls the amount of elasticity (default = 0.0) :param grid_dim: size of the grid, for the DP2 method only (default = 7) :rtype: vector :return gam: describing the warping function used to align q2 with q1 """ if method == "DP": if q1.ndim == 1 and q2.ndim == 1: gam = orN.coptimum_reparam(ascontiguousarray(q1), time, ascontiguousarray(q2), lam) if q1.ndim == 1 and q2.ndim == 2: gam = orN.coptimum_reparam_N(ascontiguousarray(q1), time, ascontiguousarray(q2), lam) if q1.ndim == 2 and q2.ndim == 2: gam = orN.coptimum_reparam_N2(ascontiguousarray(q1), time, ascontiguousarray(q2), lam) elif method == "DP2": if q1.ndim == 1 and q2.ndim == 1: gam = orN2.coptimum_reparam(ascontiguousarray(q1), time, ascontiguousarray(q2), lam, grid_dim) if q1.ndim == 1 and q2.ndim == 2: gam = orN2.coptimum_reparamN(ascontiguousarray(q1), time, ascontiguousarray(q2), lam, grid_dim) if q1.ndim == 2 and q2.ndim == 2: gam = orN2.coptimum_reparamN2(ascontiguousarray(q1), time, ascontiguousarray(q2), lam, grid_dim) elif method == "RBFGS": if q1.ndim == 1 and q2.ndim == 1: time = linspace(0,1,q1.shape[0]) obj = rlbfgs(q1,q2,time) obj.solve() gam = obj.gammaOpt if q1.ndim == 1 and q2.ndim == 2: gam = zeros(q2.shape) time = linspace(0,1,q1.shape[0]) for i in range(0,q2.shape[1]): obj = rlbfgs(q1,q2[:,i],time) obj.solve() gam[:,i] = obj.gammaOpt if q1.ndim == 2 and q2.ndim == 2: gam = zeros(q2.shape) time = linspace(0,1,q1.shape[0]) for i in range(0,q2.shape[1]): obj = rlbfgs(q1[:,i],q2[:,i],time) obj.solve() gam[:,i] = obj.gammaOpt else: raise Exception('Invalid Optimization Method') return gam
[docs]def optimum_reparam_pair(q, time, q1, q2, lam=0.0): """ calculates the warping to align srsf pair q1 and q2 to q :param q: vector of size N or array of NxM samples of first SRSF :param time: vector of size N describing the sample points :param q1: vector of size N or array of NxM samples samples of second SRSF :param q2: vector of size N or array of NxM samples samples of second SRSF :param lam: controls the amount of elasticity (default = 0.0) :rtype: vector :return gam: describing the warping function used to align q2 with q1 """ if q1.ndim == 1 and q2.ndim == 1: q_c = column_stack((q1, q2)) gam = orN.coptimum_reparam_pair(ascontiguousarray(q), time, ascontiguousarray(q_c), lam) if q1.ndim == 2 and q2.ndim == 2: gam = orN.coptimum_reparamN2_pair(ascontiguousarray(q), time, ascontiguousarray(q1), ascontiguousarray(q2), lam) return gam
def distmat(f,f1,time,idx,method): N = f.shape[1] dp = zeros(N) da = zeros(N) for jj in range(N): Dy,Dx = elastic_distance(f[:,jj], f1, time, method) da[jj] = Dy dp[jj] = Dx return(da, dp)
[docs]def elastic_depth(f, time, method="DP2", lam=0.0, parallel=True): """ calculates the elastic depth between functions in matrix f :param f: matrix of size MxN (M time points for N functions) :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points :param method: method to apply optimization (default="DP2") options are "DP","DP2","RBFGS" :param lam: controls the elasticity (default = 0.0) :rtype: scalar :return amp: amplitude depth :return phase: phase depth """ obs, fns = f.shape amp_dist = zeros((fns,fns)) phs_dist = zeros((fns,fns)) if parallel: out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(distmat)(f, f[:, n], time, n, method) for n in range(fns)) for i in range(0, fns): amp_dist[i, :] = out[i][0] phs_dist[i, :] = out[i][1] else: for i in range(0, fns): amp_dist[i, :], phs_dist[i, :] = distmat(f, f[:, i], time, i, method) amp_dist = amp_dist + amp_dist.T phs_dist = phs_dist + phs_dist.T amp = 1 / (1 + median(amp_dist,axis=0)) phase = 1 / (1 + median(phs_dist,axis=0)) phase = ((2+pi)/pi) * (phase - 2/(2+pi)) return amp, phase
[docs]def elastic_distance(f1, f2, time, method="DP2", lam=0.0): """" calculates the distances between function, where f1 is aligned to f2. In other words calculates the elastic distances :param f1: vector of size N :param f2: vector of size N :param time: vector of size N describing the sample points :param method: method to apply optimization (default="DP2") options are "DP","DP2","RBFGS" :param lam: controls the elasticity (default = 0.0) :rtype: scalar :return Dy: amplitude distance :return Dx: phase distance """ q1 = f_to_srsf(f1, time) q2 = f_to_srsf(f2, time) gam = optimum_reparam(q1, time, q2, method, lam) fw = warp_f_gamma(time, f2, gam) qw = warp_q_gamma(time, q2, gam) Dy = sqrt(trapz((qw - q1) ** 2, time)) M = time.shape[0] time1 = linspace(0,1,M) binsize = mean(diff(time1)) psi = sqrt(gradient(gam,binsize)) q1dotq2 = trapz(psi, time1) if q1dotq2 > 1: q1dotq2 = 1 elif q1dotq2 < -1: q1dotq2 = -1 Dx = real(arccos(q1dotq2)) return Dy, Dx
[docs]def invertGamma(gam): """ finds the inverse of the diffeomorphism gamma :param gam: vector describing the warping function :rtype: vector :return gamI: inverse of gam """ N = gam.size x = linspace(0,1,N) s = interp1d(gam, x) gamI = s(x) gamI = (gamI - gamI[0]) / (gamI[-1] - gamI[0]) return gamI
[docs]def SqrtMeanInverse(gam): """ finds the inverse of the mean of the set of the diffeomorphisms gamma :param gam: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M warping functions with N samples :rtype: vector :return gamI: inverse of gam """ (T,n) = gam.shape time = linspace(0,1,T) binsize = mean(diff(time)) psi = zeros((T, n)) for k in range(0, n): psi[:, k] = sqrt(gradient(gam[:, k],binsize)) # Find Direction mnpsi = psi.mean(axis=1) a = mnpsi.repeat(n) d1 = a.reshape(T, n) d = (psi - d1) ** 2 dqq = sqrt(d.sum(axis=0)) min_ind = dqq.argmin() mu = psi[:, min_ind] maxiter = 501 tt = 1 lvm = zeros(maxiter) vec = zeros((T, n)) stp = .3 itr = 0 for i in range(0,n): out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu,psi[:,i]) vec[:,i] = out vbar = vec.mean(axis=1) lvm[itr] = geo.L2norm(vbar) while (lvm[itr] > 0.00000001) and (itr<maxiter): mu = geo.exp_map(mu, stp*vbar) itr += 1 for i in range(0,n): out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu,psi[:,i]) vec[:,i] = out vbar = vec.mean(axis=1) lvm[itr] = geo.L2norm(vbar) gam_mu = cumtrapz(mu*mu, time, initial=0) gam_mu = (gam_mu - gam_mu.min()) / (gam_mu.max() - gam_mu.min()) gamI = invertGamma(gam_mu) return gamI
[docs]def SqrtMean(gam, parallel=False, cores=-1): """ calculates the srsf of warping functions with corresponding shooting vectors :param gam: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M warping functions with N samples :param parallel: run in parallel (default = F) :param cores: number of cores for parallel (default = -1 (all)) :rtype: 2 numpy ndarray and vector :return mu: Karcher mean psi function :return gam_mu: vector of dim N which is the Karcher mean warping function :return psi: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M SRSF of the warping functions :return vec: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M shooting vectors """ (T,n) = gam.shape time = linspace(0,1,T) binsize = mean(diff(time)) psi = zeros((T, n)) if parallel: out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(gradient)(gam[:,k], binsize) for k in range(n)) psi = array(out) psi = psi.transpose() psi = sqrt(psi) else: for k in range(0, n): psi[:, k] = sqrt(gradient(gam[:, k],binsize)) # Find Direction mnpsi = psi.mean(axis=1) a = mnpsi.repeat(n) d1 = a.reshape(T, n) d = (psi - d1) ** 2 dqq = sqrt(d.sum(axis=0)) min_ind = dqq.argmin() mu = psi[:, min_ind] maxiter = 501 tt = 1 lvm = zeros(maxiter) vec = zeros((T, n)) stp = .3 itr = 0 if parallel: out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(inv_exp_map_sub)(mu, psi[:,i]) for i in range(n)) vec = array(out) vec = vec.transpose() else: for i in range(0,n): out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu,psi[:,i]) vec[:,i] = out vbar = vec.mean(axis=1) lvm[itr] = geo.L2norm(vbar) while (lvm[itr] > 0.00000001) and (itr<maxiter): mu = geo.exp_map(mu, stp*vbar) itr += 1 if parallel: out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(inv_exp_map_sub)(mu, psi[:,i]) for i in range(n)) vec = array(out) vec = vec.transpose() else: for i in range(0,n): out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu,psi[:,i]) vec[:,i] = out vbar = vec.mean(axis=1) lvm[itr] = geo.L2norm(vbar) gam_mu = cumtrapz(mu*mu, time, initial=0) gam_mu = (gam_mu - gam_mu.min()) / (gam_mu.max() - gam_mu.min()) return mu, gam_mu, psi, vec
def inv_exp_map_sub(mu, psi): out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu, psi) return out
[docs]def SqrtMedian(gam): """ calculates the median srsf of warping functions with corresponding shooting vectors :param gam: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M warping functions with N samples :rtype: 2 numpy ndarray and vector :return gam_median: Karcher median warping function :return psi_meidan: vector of dim N which is the Karcher median srsf function :return psi: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M SRSF of the warping functions :return vec: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M shooting vectors """ (T,n) = gam.shape time = linspace(0,1,T) # Initialization psi_median = ones(T) r = 1 stp = 0.3 maxiter = 501 vbar_norm = zeros(maxiter+1) # compute psi function binsize = mean(diff(time)) psi = zeros((T, n)) v = zeros((T,n)) vtil = zeros((T,n)) d = zeros(n) dtil = zeros(n) for k in range(0, n): psi[:, k] = sqrt(gradient(gam[:, k],binsize)) v[:,k], d[k] = geo.inv_exp_map(psi_median,psi[:,k]) vtil[:,k] = v[:,k]/d[k] dtil[k] = 1/d[k] vbar = vtil.sum(axis=1)*dtil.sum()**(-1) vbar_norm[r] = geo.L2norm(vbar) # compute phase median by iterative algorithm while (vbar_norm[r] > 0.00000001) and (r<maxiter): psi_median = geo.exp_map(psi_median, stp*vbar) r += 1 for k in range(0,n): v[:,k], tmp = geo.inv_exp_map(psi_median,psi[:,k]) d[k] = arccos(geo.inner_product(psi_median,psi[:,k])) vtil[:,k] = v[:,k]/d[k] dtil[k] = 1/d[k] vbar = vtil.sum(axis=1)*dtil.sum()**(-1) vbar_norm[r] = geo.L2norm(vbar) vec = v gam_median = cumtrapz(psi_median**2,time,initial=0.0) return gam_median, psi_median, psi, vec
[docs]def cumtrapzmid(x, y, c, mid): """ cumulative trapezoidal numerical integration taken from midpoint :param x: vector of size N describing the time samples :param y: vector of size N describing the function :param c: midpointtic :param mid: midpiont location :rtype: vector :return fa: cumulative integration """ a = x.shape[0] # case < mid fa = zeros(a) tmpx = x[0:mid] tmpy = y[0:mid] tmp = c + cumtrapz(tmpy[::-1], tmpx[::-1], initial=0) fa[0:mid] = tmp[::-1] # case >= mid fa[mid:a] = c + cumtrapz(y[mid - 1:a - 1], x[mid - 1:a - 1], initial=0) return fa
[docs]def rgam(N, sigma, num, mu_gam=None): """ Generates random warping functions :param N: length of warping function :param sigma: variance of warping functions :param num: number of warping functions :param mu_gam mean warping function (default identity) :return: gam: numpy ndarray of warping functions """ gam = zeros((N, num)) time = linspace(0, 1, N) binsize = diff(time) binsize = binsize.mean() if mu_gam is None: mu = sqrt(gradient(time,binsize)) else: mu = sqrt(gradient(mu_gam,binsize)) omega = (2 * pi) for k in range(0, num): alpha_i = rn.normal(scale=sigma) v = alpha_i * ones(N) cnt = 1 for l in range(2, 4): alpha_i = rn.normal(scale=sigma) #odd if l % 2 != 0: v = v + alpha_i * sqrt(2) * cos(cnt * omega * time) cnt += 1 #even if l % 2 == 0: v = v + alpha_i * sqrt(2) * sin(cnt * omega * time) psi = geo.exp_map(mu.ravel(),v.ravel()) gam0 = cumtrapz(psi*psi, time, initial=0) gam[:, k] = (gam0 - gam0.min()) / (gam0.max() - gam0.min()) return gam
[docs]def outlier_detection(q, time, mq, k=1.5): """ calculates outlier's using geodesic distances of the SRSFs from the median :param q: numpy ndarray of N x M of M SRS functions with N samples :param time: vector of size N describing the sample points :param mq: median calculated using :func:`time_warping.srsf_align` :param k: cutoff threshold (default = 1.5) :return: q_outlier: outlier functions """ N = q.shape[1] ds = zeros(N) for kk in range(0, N): ds[kk] = sqrt(trapz((mq - q[:, kk]) ** 2, time)) quartile_range = mquantiles(ds) IQR = quartile_range[2] - quartile_range[0] thresh = quartile_range[2] + k * IQR ind = (ds > thresh).nonzero() q_outlier = q[:, ind] return q_outlier
[docs]def randomGamma(gam, num): """ generates random warping functions :param gam: numpy ndarray of N x M of M of warping functions :param num: number of random functions :return: rgam: random warping functions """ mu, gam_mu, psi, vec = SqrtMean(gam) K = cov(vec) U, s, V = svd(K) n = 5 TT = vec.shape[0] + 1 vm = vec.mean(axis=1) rgam = zeros((TT, num)) for k in range(0, num): a = rn.standard_normal(n) v = zeros(vm.size) for i in range(0, n): v = v + a[i] * sqrt(s[i]) * U[:, i] vn = norm(v) / sqrt(TT) psi = cos(vn) * mu + sin(vn) * v / vn tmp = zeros(TT) tmp[1:TT] = cumsum(psi * psi) / TT rgam[:, k] = (tmp - tmp[0]) / (tmp[-1] - tmp[0]) return rgam
[docs]def update_progress(progress): """ This function creates a progress bar :param progress: fraction of progress """ barLength = 20 # Modify this to change the length of the progress bar status = "" if isinstance(progress, int): progress = float(progress) if not isinstance(progress, float): progress = 0 status = "error: progress var must be float\r\n" if progress < 0: progress = 0 status = "Halt...\r\n" if progress >= 1: progress = 1 status = "Done...\r\n" block = int(round(barLength * progress)) text = "\rPercent: [{0}] {1}% {2}".format("#" * block + "-" * (barLength - block), progress * 100, status) sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def diffop(n, binsize=1): """ Creates a second order differential operator :param n: dimension :param binsize: dx (default = 1) :rtype: numpy ndarray :return m: matrix describing differential operator """ m = diagflat(ones(n - 1), k=1) + diagflat(ones(n - 1), k=-1) + diagflat(2 * ones(n)) m = inner(m.transpose(), m) m[0, 0] = 6 m[-1, -1] = 6 m /= (binsize ** 4.) return m
[docs]def geigen(Amat, Bmat, Cmat): """ generalized eigenvalue problem of the form max tr L'AM / sqrt(tr L'BL tr M'CM) w.r.t. L and M :param Amat numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) :param Bmat numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) :param Bmat numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) :rtype: numpy ndarray :return values: eigenvalues :return Lmat: left eigenvectors :return Mmat: right eigenvectors """ if Bmat.shape[0] != Bmat.shape[1]: print("BMAT is not square.\n") sys.exit(1) if Cmat.shape[0] != Cmat.shape[1]: print("CMAT is not square.\n") sys.exit(1) p = Bmat.shape[0] q = Cmat.shape[0] s = min(p, q) tmp = fabs(Bmat - Bmat.transpose()) tmp1 = fabs(Bmat) if tmp.max() / tmp1.max() > 1e-10: print("BMAT not symmetric..\n") sys.exit(1) tmp = fabs(Cmat - Cmat.transpose()) tmp1 = fabs(Cmat) if tmp.max() / tmp1.max() > 1e-10: print("CMAT not symmetric..\n") sys.exit(1) Bmat = (Bmat + Bmat.transpose()) / 2. Cmat = (Cmat + Cmat.transpose()) / 2. Bfac = cholesky(Bmat) Cfac = cholesky(Cmat) Bfacinv = inv(Bfac) Bfacinvt = Bfacinv.transpose() Cfacinv = inv(Cfac) Dmat = if p >= q: u, d, vh = svd(Dmat) values = d Lmat = Mmat = else: u, d, vh = svd(Dmat.transpose()) values = d Lmat = Mmat = return values, Lmat, Mmat
[docs]def innerprod_q(time, q1, q2): """ calculates the innerproduct between two srsfs :param time vector descrbing time samples :param q1 vector of srsf 1 :param q2 vector of srsf 2 :rtype: scalar :return val: inner product value """ val = trapz(q1 * q2, time) return val
[docs]def warp_q_gamma(time, q, gam): """ warps a srsf q by gam :param time vector describing time samples :param q vector describing srsf :param gam vector describing warping function :rtype: numpy ndarray :return q_temp: warped srsf """ M = gam.size gam_dev = gradient(gam, 1 / double(M - 1)) tmp = interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gam + time[0], time, q) q_temp = tmp * sqrt(gam_dev) return q_temp
[docs]def warp_f_gamma(time, f, gam): """ warps a function f by gam :param time vector describing time samples :param q vector describing srsf :param gam vector describing warping function :rtype: numpy ndarray :return f_temp: warped srsf """ M = gam.size f_temp = interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gam + time[0], time, f) return f_temp
[docs]def f_K_fold(Nobs, K=5): """ generates sample indices for K-fold cross validation :param Nobs number of observations :param K number of folds :rtype: numpy ndarray :return train: train indexes (Nobs*(K-1)/K X K) :return test: test indexes (Nobs*(1/K) X K) """ rs = rn.uniform(size=Nobs) ids = rs.ravel().argsort() k = Nobs * arange(1, K) / K tmp = append(k.repeat(2), Nobs) tmp = insert(tmp, 0, 0) k = tmp.reshape((K, 2)) k[:, 0] = k[:, 0] + 1 k = k - 1 train = zeros((Nobs * (K - 1) / K, K)) test = zeros((Nobs * 1 / K, K)) for ii in range(0, K): tf = vectorize(lambda x: x in arange(k[ii, 0], k[ii, 1] + 1))(arange(0, Nobs)) train[:, ii] = ids[not tf] test[:, ii] = ids[tf] return train, test
[docs]def zero_crossing(Y, q, bt, time, y_max, y_min, gmax, gmin): """ finds zero-crossing of optimal gamma, gam = s*gmax + (1-s)*gmin from elastic regression model :param Y: response :param q: predicitve function :param bt: basis function :param time: time samples :param y_max: maximum repsonse for warping function gmax :param y_min: minimum response for warping function gmin :param gmax: max warping function :param gmin: min warping fucntion :rtype: numpy array :return gamma: optimal warping function """ # simple iterative method based on intermediate theorem max_itr = 100 a = zeros(max_itr) a[0] = 1 f = zeros(max_itr) f[0] = y_max - Y f[1] = y_min - Y mrp = f[0] mrn = f[1] mrp_ind = 0 # most recent positive index mrn_ind = 1 # most recent negative index for ii in range(2, max_itr): x1 = a[mrp_ind] x2 = a[mrn_ind] y1 = mrp y2 = mrn a[ii] = (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1) / float(y2 - y1) gam_m = a[ii] * gmax + (1 - a[ii]) * gmin qtmp = warp_q_gamma(time, q, gam_m) f[ii] = trapz(qtmp * bt, time) - Y if fabs(f[ii]) < 1e-5: break elif f[ii] > 0: mrp = f[ii] mrp_ind = ii else: mrn = f[ii] mrn_ind = ii gamma = a[ii] * gmax + (1 - a[ii]) * gmin return gamma
[docs]def resamplefunction(x, n): """ resample function using n points :param x: functions :param n: number of points :rtype: numpy array :return xn: resampled function """ T = x.shape[0] xn = interp(arange(0, n)/double(n-1), arange(0, T)/double(T-1), x) return(xn)
def basis_fourierd(f_domain, numBasis): result = zeros((f_domain.shape[0], 2*numBasis)) for i in range(0,2*numBasis): j = ceil(i/2) if mod(i,2) == 1: result[:,i] = 1/sqrt(pi) * sin(2*j*pi*f_domain) if mod(i,2) == 0: result[:,i] = 1/sqrt(pi) * cos(2*j*pi*f_domain) out = {"x":f_domain, "matrix":result} return(out) def basis_fourier(f_domain, numBasis, fourier_p): result = zeros((f_domain.shape[0], 2*numBasis)) for i in range(0,2*numBasis): j = ceil(i/2) if mod(i,2) == 1: result[:,i] = sqrt(2) * sin(2*j*pi*f_domain/fourier_p) if mod(i,2) == 0: result[:,i] = sqrt(2) * cos(2*j*pi*f_domain/fourier_p) out = {"x":f_domain, "matrix":result} return(out) def legendre(N,X) : matrixReturn = zeros((N+1,X.shape[0])) for i in enumerate(X) : currValues = sp.lpmn(N,N,i[1]) matrixReturn[:,i[0]] = array([j[N] for j in currValues[0]]) return matrixReturn def basis_legendre(f_domain, numBasis, fourier_p): result = zeros((f_domain.shape[0], 2*numBasis)) for i in range(0,2*numBasis): f_domain_scaled = 2*(f_domain/fourier_p) - 1 tmp = legendre(i+1, f_domain_scaled) result[:, i] = tmp[0, :] out = {"x":f_domain, "matrix":result} return(out) def exp2corr(sigma2, phi, ds): out = sigma2 * exp(-ds**2/(2*phi**2)) return(out) def exp2corr2(phi, ds): out = exp(-ds**2/(2*phi**2)) return(out) def statsFun(vec): a = quantile(vec,0.025,axis=1) b = quantile(vec,0.975,axis=1) out = column_stack((a, b)) return(out) def f_exp1(g): out = bay.bcalcY(f_L2norm(g), g) return(out) def f_L2norm(f): x = linspace(0,1,f.shape[0]) out = bay.border_l2norm(x,f) return(out) def f_basistofunction(f_domain, coefconst, coef, basis): if basis["matrix"].shape[1] < coef.shape[0]: raise Exception("In f_basistofunction, #coefficients exceeds # basis functions") result = dot(basis["matrix"],coef)+coefconst result = f_predictfunction(result, f_domain, 0) return(result) def f_predictfunction(f, at, deriv): x = linspace(0,1,f.shape[0]) if deriv == 0: interp = interp1d(x,f,bounds_error=False,fill_value="extrapolate") result = interp(at) if deriv == 1: iterp = interp1d(x,f,bounds_error=False,fill_value="extrapolate") fmod = iterp(at) diffy1 = hstack((0, diff(fmod))) diffy2 = hstack((diff(fmod),0)) diffx1 = hstack((0, diff(at))) diffx2 = hstack((diff(at), 0)) result = (diffy2 + diffy1) / (diffx2 + diffx1) return(result) def f_psimean(x,y): rmy = y.mean(axis=1) result = rmy / f_L2norm(rmy) return(result) def f_phiinv(psi): f_domain = linspace(0,1,psi.shape[0]) result = insert(bay.bcuL2norm2(f_domain,psi),0,0) return(result) def norm_gam(gam): gam = (gam-gam[0])/(gam[-1]-gam[0]) return(gam) def mrdivide(a, b): c = dot(a, pinv(b)) return(c)