Source code for time_warping

Group-wise function alignment using SRSF framework and Dynamic Programming

moduleauthor:: J. Derek Tucker <>

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import fdasrsf.utility_functions as uf
import fdasrsf.bayesian_functions as bf
import fdasrsf.fPCA as fpca
import fdasrsf.geometry as geo
from scipy.integrate import trapz, cumtrapz
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.linalg import svd, cholesky
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, fcluster
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist
import GPy
from numpy.linalg import norm, inv
from numpy.random import rand, normal
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from fdasrsf.fPLS import pls_svd
from tqdm import tqdm
import fdasrsf.plot_style as plot
import fpls_warp as fpls
import collections

[docs]class fdawarp: """ This class provides alignment methods for functional data using the SRVF framework Usage: obj = fdawarp(f,t) :param f: (M,N): matrix defining N functions of M samples :param time: time vector of length M :param fn: aligned functions :param qn: aligned srvfs :param q0: initial srvfs :param fmean: function mean :param mqn: mean srvf :param gam: warping functions :param psi: srvf of warping functions :param stats: alignment statistics :param qun: cost function :param lambda: lambda :param method: optimization method :param gamI: inverse warping function :param rsamps: random samples :param fs: random aligned functions :param gams: random warping functions :param ft: random warped functions :param qs: random aligned srvfs :param type: alignment type :param mcmc: mcmc output if bayesian Author : J. D. Tucker (JDT) <jdtuck AT> Date : 15-Mar-2018 """ def __init__(self, f, time): """ Construct an instance of the fdawarp class :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points """ a = time.shape[0] if f.shape[0] != a: raise Exception('Columns of f and time must be equal') self.f = f self.time = time self.rsamps = False
[docs] def srsf_align(self, method="mean", omethod="DP2", center=True, smoothdata=False, MaxItr=20, parallel=False, lam=0.0, cores=-1, grid_dim=7): """ This function aligns a collection of functions using the elastic square-root slope (srsf) framework. :param method: (string) warp calculate Karcher Mean or Median (options = "mean" or "median") (default="mean") :param omethod: optimization method (DP, DP2, RBFGS) (default = DP2) :param center: center warping functions (default = T) :param smoothdata: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F) :param MaxItr: Maximum number of iterations (default = 20) :param parallel: run in parallel (default = F) :param lam: controls the elasticity (default = 0) :param cores: number of cores for parallel (default = -1 (all)) :param grid_dim: size of the grid, for the DP2 method only (default = 7) :type lam: double :type smoothdata: bool Examples >>> import tables >>> fun=tables.open_file("../Data/simu_data.h5") >>> f = fun.root.f[:] >>> f = f.transpose() >>> time = fun.root.time[:] >>> obj = fs.fdawarp(f,time) >>> obj.srsf_align() """ M = self.f.shape[0] N = self.f.shape[1] self.lam = lam if M > 500: parallel = True elif N > 100: parallel = True eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps f0 = self.f self.method = omethod methods = ["mean", "median"] self.type = method # 0 mean, 1-median method = [i for i, x in enumerate(methods) if x == method] if len(method) == 0: method = 0 else: method = method[0] # Compute SRSF function from data f, g, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(self.time, self.f, smoothdata) q = g / np.sqrt(abs(g) + eps) print("Initializing...") mnq = q.mean(axis=1) a = mnq.repeat(N) d1 = a.reshape(M, N) d = (q - d1) ** 2 dqq = np.sqrt(d.sum(axis=0)) min_ind = dqq.argmin() mq = q[:, min_ind] mf = f[:, min_ind] if parallel: out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(mq, self.time, q[:, n], omethod, lam, grid_dim) for n in range(N)) gam = np.array(out) gam = gam.transpose() else: gam = np.zeros((M,N)) for k in range(0,N): gam[:,k] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq,self.time,q[:,k],omethod,lam,grid_dim) gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gam) mf = np.interp((self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gamI + self.time[0], self.time, mf) mq = uf.f_to_srsf(mf, self.time) # Compute Karcher Mean if method == 0: print("Compute Karcher Mean of %d function in SRSF space..." % N) if method == 1: print("Compute Karcher Median of %d function in SRSF space..." % N) ds = np.repeat(0.0, MaxItr + 2) ds[0] = np.inf qun = np.repeat(0.0, MaxItr + 1) tmp = np.zeros((M, MaxItr + 2)) tmp[:, 0] = mq mq = tmp tmp = np.zeros((M, MaxItr+2)) tmp[:,0] = mf mf = tmp tmp = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 2)) tmp[:, :, 0] = self.f f = tmp tmp = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 2)) tmp[:, :, 0] = q q = tmp for r in range(0, MaxItr): print("updating step: r=%d" % (r + 1)) if r == (MaxItr - 1): print("maximal number of iterations is reached") # Matching Step if parallel: out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(mq[:, r], self.time, q[:, n, 0], omethod, lam, grid_dim) for n in range(N)) gam = np.array(out) gam = gam.transpose() else: for k in range(0,N): gam[:,k] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq[:, r], self.time, q[:, k, 0], omethod, lam, grid_dim) gam_dev = np.zeros((M, N)) vtil = np.zeros((M,N)) dtil = np.zeros(N) for k in range(0, N): f[:, k, r + 1] = np.interp((self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gam[:, k] + self.time[0], self.time, f[:, k, 0]) q[:, k, r + 1] = uf.f_to_srsf(f[:, k, r + 1], self.time) gam_dev[:, k] = np.gradient(gam[:, k], 1 / float(M - 1)) v = q[:, k, r + 1] - mq[:,r] d = np.sqrt(trapz(v*v, self.time)) vtil[:,k] = v/d dtil[k] = 1.0/d mqt = mq[:, r] a = mqt.repeat(N) d1 = a.reshape(M, N) d = (q[:, :, r + 1] - d1) ** 2 if method == 0: d1 = sum(trapz(d, self.time, axis=0)) d2 = sum(trapz((1 - np.sqrt(gam_dev)) ** 2, self.time, axis=0)) ds_tmp = d1 + lam * d2 ds[r + 1] = ds_tmp # Minimization Step # compute the mean of the matched function qtemp = q[:, :, r + 1] ftemp = f[:, :, r + 1] mq[:, r + 1] = qtemp.mean(axis=1) mf[:, r + 1] = ftemp.mean(axis=1) qun[r] = norm(mq[:, r + 1] - mq[:, r]) / norm(mq[:, r]) if method == 1: d1 = np.sqrt(sum(trapz(d, self.time, axis=0))) d2 = sum(trapz((1 - np.sqrt(gam_dev)) ** 2, self.time, axis=0)) ds_tmp = d1 + lam * d2 ds[r + 1] = ds_tmp # Minimization Step # compute the mean of the matched function stp = .3 vbar = vtil.sum(axis=1)*(1/dtil.sum()) qtemp = q[:, :, r + 1] ftemp = f[:, :, r + 1] mq[:, r + 1] = mq[:,r] + stp*vbar tmp = np.zeros(M) tmp[1:] = cumtrapz(mq[:, r + 1] * np.abs(mq[:, r + 1]), self.time) mf[:, r + 1] = np.median(f0[1, :])+tmp qun[r] = norm(mq[:, r + 1] - mq[:, r]) / norm(mq[:, r]) if qun[r] < 1e-2 or r >= MaxItr: break # Last Step with centering of gam if center: r += 1 if parallel: out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(mq[:, r], self.time, q[:, n, 0], omethod, lam, grid_dim) for n in range(N)) gam = np.array(out) gam = gam.transpose() else: for k in range(0,N): gam[:,k] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq[:, r], self.time, q[:, k, 0], omethod, lam, grid_dim) gam_dev = np.zeros((M, N)) for k in range(0, N): gam_dev[:, k] = np.gradient(gam[:, k], 1 / float(M - 1)) gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gam) gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1)) time0 = (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gamI + self.time[0] mq[:, r + 1] = np.interp(time0, self.time, mq[:, r]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev) for k in range(0, N): q[:, k, r + 1] = np.interp(time0, self.time, q[:, k, r]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev) f[:, k, r + 1] = np.interp(time0, self.time, f[:, k, r]) gam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, self.time, gam[:, k]) else: gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gam) gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1)) # Aligned data & stats = center self.fn = f[:, :, r + 1] self.qn = q[:, :, r + 1] self.q0 = q[:, :, 0] mean_f0 = f0.mean(axis=1) std_f0 = f0.std(axis=1) mean_fn = self.fn.mean(axis=1) std_fn = self.fn.std(axis=1) self.gam = gam self.mqn = mq[:, r + 1] tmp = np.zeros(M) tmp[1:] = cumtrapz(self.mqn * np.abs(self.mqn), self.time) self.fmean = np.mean(f0[1, :]) + tmp fgam = np.zeros((M, N)) for k in range(0, N): time0 = (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gam[:, k] + self.time[0] fgam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, self.time, self.fmean) var_fgam = fgam.var(axis=1) self.orig_var = trapz(std_f0 ** 2, self.time) self.amp_var = trapz(std_fn ** 2, self.time) self.phase_var = trapz(var_fgam, self.time) return
[docs] def plot(self): """ plot plot functional alignment results Usage: obj.plot() """ M = self.f.shape[0] plot.f_plot(self.time, self.f, title="f Original Data") fig, ax = plot.f_plot(np.arange(0, M) / float(M - 1), self.gam, title="Warping Functions") ax.set_aspect('equal') plot.f_plot(self.time, self.fn, title="Warped Data") mean_f0 = self.f.mean(axis=1) std_f0 = self.f.std(axis=1) mean_fn = self.fn.mean(axis=1) std_fn = self.fn.std(axis=1) tmp = np.array([mean_f0, mean_f0 + std_f0, mean_f0 - std_f0]) tmp = tmp.transpose() plot.f_plot(self.time, tmp, title=r"Original Data: Mean $\pm$ STD") tmp = np.array([mean_fn, mean_fn + std_fn, mean_fn - std_fn]) tmp = tmp.transpose() plot.f_plot(self.time, tmp, title=r"Warped Data: Mean $\pm$ STD") plot.f_plot(self.time, self.fmean, title="$f_{mean}$") return
[docs] def gauss_model(self, n=1, sort_samples=False): """ This function models the functional data using a Gaussian model extracted from the principal components of the srvfs :param n: number of random samples :param sort_samples: sort samples (default = T) :type n: integer :type sort_samples: bool """ fn = self.fn time = self.time qn = self.qn gam = self.gam # Parameters eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps binsize = np.diff(time) binsize = binsize.mean() M = time.size # compute mean and covariance in q-domain mq_new = qn.mean(axis=1) mididx = np.round(time.shape[0] / 2) m_new = np.sign(fn[mididx, :]) * np.sqrt(np.abs(fn[mididx, :])) mqn = np.append(mq_new, m_new.mean()) qn2 = np.vstack((qn, m_new)) C = np.cov(qn2) q_s = np.random.multivariate_normal(mqn, C, n) q_s = q_s.transpose() # compute the correspondence to the original function domain fs = np.zeros((M, n)) for k in range(0, n): fs[:, k] = uf.cumtrapzmid(time, q_s[0:M, k] * np.abs(q_s[0:M, k]), np.sign(q_s[M, k]) * (q_s[M, k] ** 2), mididx) fbar = fn.mean(axis=1) fsbar = fs.mean(axis=1) err = np.transpose(np.tile(fbar-fsbar, (n,1))) fs += err # random warping generation rgam = uf.randomGamma(gam, n) gams = np.zeros((M, n)) for k in range(0, n): gams[:, k] = uf.invertGamma(rgam[:, k]) # sort functions and warping if sort_samples: mx = fs.max(axis=0) seq1 = mx.argsort() # compute the psi-function fy = np.gradient(rgam, binsize) psi = fy / np.sqrt(abs(fy) + eps) ip = np.zeros(n) len = np.zeros(n) for i in range(0, n): tmp = np.ones(M) ip[i] =[:, i] / M) len[i] = np.arccos([:, i] / M)) seq2 = len.argsort() # combine x-variability and y-variability ft = np.zeros((M, n)) for k in range(0, n): ft[:, k] = np.interp(gams[:, seq2[k]], np.arange(0, M) / np.double(M - 1), fs[:, seq1[k]]) tmp = np.isnan(ft[:, k]) while tmp.any(): rgam2 = uf.randomGamma(gam, 1) ft[:, k] = np.interp(gams[:, seq2[k]], np.arange(0, M) / np.double(M - 1), uf.invertGamma(rgam2)) else: # combine x-variability and y-variability ft = np.zeros((M, n)) for k in range(0, n): ft[:, k] = np.interp(gams[:, k], np.arange(0, M) / np.double(M - 1), fs[:, k]) tmp = np.isnan(ft[:, k]) while tmp.any(): rgam2 = uf.randomGamma(gam, 1) ft[:, k] = np.interp(gams[:, k], np.arange(0, M) / np.double(M - 1), uf.invertGamma(rgam2)) self.rsamps = True self.fs = fs self.gams = rgam self.ft = ft self.qs = q_s[0:M,:] return
[docs] def joint_gauss_model(self, n=1, no=3): """ This function models the functional data using a joint Gaussian model extracted from the principal components of the srsfs :param n: number of random samples :param no: number of principal components (default = 3) :type n: integer :type no: integer """ # Parameters fn = self.fn time = self.time qn = self.qn gam = self.gam M = time.size # Perform PCA jfpca = fpca.fdajpca(self) jfpca.calc_fpca(no=no) s = jfpca.latent U = jfpca.U C = jfpca.C mu_psi = jfpca.mu_psi # compute mean and covariance mq_new = qn.mean(axis=1) mididx = m_new = np.sign(fn[mididx, :]) * np.sqrt(np.abs(fn[mididx, :])) mqn = np.append(mq_new, m_new.mean()) # generate random samples vals = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(s.shape), np.diag(s), n) tmp = np.matmul(U, np.transpose(vals)) qhat = np.tile(mqn.T,(n,1)).T + tmp[0:M+1,:] tmp = np.matmul(U, np.transpose(vals)/C) vechat = tmp[(M+1):,:] psihat = np.zeros((M,n)) gamhat = np.zeros((M,n)) for ii in range(n): psihat[:,ii] = geo.exp_map(mu_psi,vechat[:,ii]) gam_tmp = cumtrapz(psihat[:,ii]**2,np.linspace(0,1,M),initial=0.0) gamhat[:,ii] = (gam_tmp - gam_tmp.min())/(gam_tmp.max()-gam_tmp.min()) ft = np.zeros((M,n)) fhat = np.zeros((M,n)) for ii in range(n): fhat[:,ii] = uf.cumtrapzmid(time, qhat[0:M,ii]*np.fabs(qhat[0:M,ii]), np.sign(qhat[M,ii])*(qhat[M,ii]*qhat[M,ii]), mididx) ft[:,ii] = uf.warp_f_gamma(np.linspace(0,1,M),fhat[:,ii],gamhat[:,ii]) self.rsamps = True self.fs = fhat self.gams = gamhat self.ft = ft self.qs = qhat[0:M,:] return
[docs] def multiple_align_functions(self, mu, omethod="DP2", smoothdata=False, parallel=False, lam=0.0, cores=-1, grid_dim=7): """ This function aligns a collection of functions using the elastic square-root slope (srsf) framework. Usage: obj.multiple_align_functions(mu) obj.multiple_align_functions(lambda) obj.multiple_align_functions(lambda, ...) :param mu: vector of function to align to :param omethod: optimization method (DP, DP2, RBFGS) (default = DP) :param smoothdata: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F) :param parallel: run in parallel (default = F) :param lam: controls the elasticity (default = 0) :param cores: number of cores for parallel (default = -1 (all)) :param grid_dim: size of the grid, for the DP2 method only (default = 7) :type lam: double :type smoothdata: bool """ M = self.f.shape[0] N = self.f.shape[1] self.lam = lam if M > 500: parallel = True elif N > 100: parallel = True eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps self.method = omethod self.type = "multiple" # Compute SRSF function from data f, g, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(self.time, self.f, smoothdata) q = g / np.sqrt(abs(g) + eps) mq = uf.f_to_srsf(mu, self.time) if parallel: out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(mq, self.time, q[:, n], omethod, lam, grid_dim) for n in range(N)) gam = np.array(out) gam = gam.transpose() else: gam = np.zeros((M,N)) for k in range(0,N): gam[:,k] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq,self.time,q[:,k],omethod,lam,grid_dim) self.gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gam) fn = np.zeros((M,N)) qn = np.zeros((M,N)) for k in range(0, N): fn[:, k] = np.interp((self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gam[:, k] + self.time[0], self.time, f[:, k]) qn[:, k] = uf.f_to_srsf(f[:, k], self.time) # Aligned data & stats self.fn = fn self.qn = qn self.q0 = q mean_f0 = f.mean(axis=1) std_f0 = f.std(axis=1) mean_fn = self.fn.mean(axis=1) std_fn = self.fn.std(axis=1) self.gam = gam self.mqn = mq self.fmean = mu fgam = np.zeros((M, N)) for k in range(0, N): time0 = (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gam[:, k] + self.time[0] fgam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, self.time, self.fmean) var_fgam = fgam.var(axis=1) self.orig_var = trapz(std_f0 ** 2, self.time) self.amp_var = trapz(std_fn ** 2, self.time) self.phase_var = trapz(var_fgam, self.time) return
[docs]def pairwise_align_functions(f1, f2, time, omethod="DP2", lam=0, grid_dim=7): """ This function aligns f2 to f1 using the elastic square-root slope (srsf) framework. Usage: out = pairwise_align_functions(f1, f2, time) out = pairwise_align_functions(f1, f2, time, omethod, lam, grid_dim) :param f1: vector defining M samples of function 1 :param f2: vector defining M samples of function 2 :param time: time vector of length M :param omethod: optimization method (DP, DP2, RBFGS) (default = DP) :param lam: controls the elasticity (default = 0) :param grid_dim: size of the grid, for the DP2 method only (default = 7) :rtype list containing :return f2n: aligned f2 :return gam: warping function :return q2n: aligned q2 (srsf) """ q1 = uf.f_to_srsf(f1, time) q2 = uf.f_to_srsf(f2, time) gam = uf.optimum_reparam(q1, time, q2, omethod, lam, grid_dim) f2n = uf.warp_f_gamma(time, f2 , gam) q2n = uf.f_to_srsf(f2n, time) return (f2n, gam, q2n)
[docs]def pairwise_align_bayes(f1i, f2i, time, mcmcopts=None): """ This function aligns two functions using Bayesian framework. It will align f2 to f1. It is based on mapping warping functions to a hypersphere, and a subsequent exponential mapping to a tangent space. In the tangent space, the Z-mixture pCN algorithm is used to explore both local and global structure in the posterior distribution. The Z-mixture pCN algorithm uses a mixture distribution for the proposal distribution, controlled by input parameter zpcn. The zpcn$betas must be between 0 and 1, and are the coefficients of the mixture components, with larger coefficients corresponding to larger shifts in parameter space. The zpcn["probs"] give the probability of each shift size. Usage: out = pairwise_align_bayes(f1i, f2i, time) out = pairwise_align_bayes(f1i, f2i, time, mcmcopts) :param f1i: vector defining M samples of function 1 :param f2i: vector defining M samples of function 2 :param time: time vector of length M :param mcmopts: dict of mcmc parameters :type mcmcopts: dict default mcmc options: tmp = {"betas":np.array([0.5,0.5,0.005,0.0001]),"probs":np.array([0.1,0.1,0.7,0.1])} mcmcopts = {"iter":2*(10**4) ,"burnin":np.minimum(5*(10**3),2*(10**4)//2), "alpha0":0.1, "beta0":0.1,"zpcn":tmp,"propvar":1, "initcoef":np.repeat(0,20), "npoints":200, "extrainfo":True} :rtype collection containing :return f2_warped: aligned f2 :return gamma: warping function :return g_coef: final g_coef :return psi: final psi :return sigma1: final sigma if extrainfo :return accept: accept of psi samples :return betas_ind :return logl: log likelihood :return gamma_mat: posterior gammas :return gamma_stats: posterior gamma stats :return xdist: phase distance posterior :return ydist: amplitude distance posterior) """ if mcmcopts is None: tmp = {"betas":np.array([0.5,0.5,0.005,0.0001]),"probs":np.array([0.1,0.1,0.7,0.1])} mcmcopts = {"iter":2*(10**4) ,"burnin":np.minimum(5*(10**3),2*(10**4)//2),"alpha0":0.1, "beta0":0.1,"zpcn":tmp,"propvar":1, "initcoef":np.repeat(0,20), "npoints":200, "extrainfo":True} if f1i.shape[0] != f2i.shape[0]: raise Exception('Length of f1 and f2 must be equal') if f1i.shape[0] != time.shape[0]: raise Exception('Length of f1 and time must be equal') if mcmcopts["zpcn"]["betas"].shape[0] != mcmcopts["zpcn"]["probs"].shape[0]: raise Exception('In zpcn, betas must equal length of probs') if np.mod(mcmcopts["initcoef"].shape[0], 2) != 0: raise Exception('Length of mcmcopts.initcoef must be even') # Number of sig figs to report in gamma_mat SIG_GAM = 13 iter = mcmcopts["iter"] # parameter settings pw_sim_global_burnin = mcmcopts["burnin"] valid_index = np.arange(pw_sim_global_burnin-1,iter) pw_sim_global_Mg = mcmcopts["initcoef"].shape[0]//2 g_coef_ini = mcmcopts["initcoef"] numSimPoints = mcmcopts["npoints"] pw_sim_global_domain_par = np.linspace(0,1,numSimPoints) g_basis = uf.basis_fourier(pw_sim_global_domain_par, pw_sim_global_Mg, 1) sigma1_ini = 1 zpcn = mcmcopts["zpcn"] pw_sim_global_sigma_g = mcmcopts["propvar"] def propose_g_coef(g_coef_curr): pCN_beta = zpcn["betas"] pCN_prob = zpcn["probs"] probm = np.insert(np.cumsum(pCN_prob),0,0) z = np.random.rand() result = {"prop":g_coef_curr,"ind":1} for i in range (0,pCN_beta.shape[0]): if z <= probm[i+1] and z > probm[i]: g_coef_new = normal(0, pw_sim_global_sigma_g / np.repeat(np.arange(1,pw_sim_global_Mg+1),2)) result["prop"] = np.sqrt(1-pCN_beta[i]**2) * g_coef_curr + pCN_beta[i] * g_coef_new result["ind"] = i return result # normalize time to [0,1] time = (time - time.min())/(time.max()-time.min()) timet = np.linspace(0,1,numSimPoints) f1 = uf.f_predictfunction(f1i,timet,0) f2 = uf.f_predictfunction(f2i,timet,0) # srsf transformation q1 = uf.f_to_srsf(f1,timet) q1i = uf.f_to_srsf(f1i,time) q2 = uf.f_to_srsf(f2,timet) tmp = uf.f_exp1(uf.f_basistofunction(g_basis["x"],0,g_coef_ini,g_basis)) if tmp.min() < 0: raise Exception("Invalid initial value of g") # result vectors g_coef = np.zeros((iter,g_coef_ini.shape[0])) sigma1 = np.zeros(iter) logl = np.zeros(iter) SSE = np.zeros(iter) accept = np.zeros(iter, dtype=bool) accept_betas = np.zeros(iter) # init g_coef_curr = g_coef_ini sigma1_curr = sigma1_ini SSE_curr = bf.f_SSEg_pw(uf.f_basistofunction(g_basis["x"],0,g_coef_ini,g_basis),q1,q2) logl_curr = bf.f_logl_pw(uf.f_basistofunction(g_basis["x"],0,g_coef_ini,g_basis),q1,q2,sigma1_ini**2,SSE_curr) g_coef[0,:] = g_coef_ini sigma1[0] = sigma1_ini SSE[0] = SSE_curr logl[0] = logl_curr # update the chain for iter-1 times for m in tqdm(range(1,iter)): # update g g_coef_curr, tmp, SSE_curr, accepti, zpcnInd = bf.f_updateg_pw(g_coef_curr, g_basis, sigma1_curr**2, q1, q2, SSE_curr, propose_g_coef) # update sigma1 newshape = q1.shape[0]/2 + mcmcopts["alpha0"] newscale = 1/2 * SSE_curr + mcmcopts["beta0"] sigma1_curr = np.sqrt(1/np.random.gamma(newshape,1/newscale)) logl_curr = bf.f_logl_pw(uf.f_basistofunction(g_basis["x"],0,g_coef_curr,g_basis), q1, q2, sigma1_curr**2, SSE_curr) # save updates to results g_coef[m,:] = g_coef_curr sigma1[m] = sigma1_curr SSE[m] = SSE_curr if mcmcopts["extrainfo"]: logl[m] = logl_curr accept[m] = accepti accept_betas[m] = zpcnInd # calculate posterior mean of psi pw_sim_est_psi_matrix = np.zeros((numSimPoints,valid_index.shape[0])) for k in range(0,valid_index.shape[0]): g_temp = uf.f_basistofunction(g_basis["x"],0,g_coef[valid_index[k],:],g_basis) psi_temp = uf.f_exp1(g_temp) pw_sim_est_psi_matrix[:,k] = psi_temp result_posterior_psi_simDomain = uf.f_psimean(pw_sim_global_domain_par, pw_sim_est_psi_matrix) # resample to same number of points as the input f1 and f2 interp = interp1d(np.linspace(0,1,result_posterior_psi_simDomain.shape[0]), result_posterior_psi_simDomain, fill_value="extrapolate") result_posterior_psi = interp(np.linspace(0,1,f1i.shape[0])) # transform posterior mean of psi to gamma result_posterior_gamma = uf.f_phiinv(result_posterior_psi) result_posterior_gamma = uf.norm_gam(result_posterior_gamma) # warped f2 f2_warped = uf.warp_f_gamma(time, f2i, result_posterior_gamma) if mcmcopts["extrainfo"]: M,N = pw_sim_est_psi_matrix.shape gamma_mat = np.zeros((time.shape[0],N)) one_v = np.ones(M) Dx = np.zeros(N) Dy = Dx for ii in range(0,N): interp = interp1d(np.linspace(0,1,result_posterior_psi_simDomain.shape[0]), pw_sim_est_psi_matrix[:,ii], fill_value="extrapolate") result_i = interp(time) tmp = uf.f_phiinv(result_i) gamma_mat[:,ii] = uf.norm_gam(tmp) v, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(one_v,pw_sim_est_psi_matrix[:,ii]) Dx[ii] = np.sqrt(trapz(v**2,pw_sim_global_domain_par)) q2warp = uf.warp_q_gamma(pw_sim_global_domain_par,q2,gamma_mat[:,ii]) Dy[ii] = np.sqrt(trapz((q1i-q2warp)**2,time)) gamma_stats = uf.statsFun(gamma_mat) results_o = collections.namedtuple('align_bayes', ['f2_warped', 'gamma','g_coef', 'psi', 'sigma1', 'accept', 'betas_ind', 'logl', 'gamma_mat', 'gamma_stats', 'xdist', 'ydist']) out = results_o(f2_warped, result_posterior_gamma, g_coef, result_posterior_psi, sigma1, accept[1:], accept_betas[1:], logl, gamma_mat, gamma_stats, Dx, Dy) return(out)
[docs]def pairwise_align_bayes_infHMC(y1i, y2i, time, mcmcopts=None): """ This function aligns two functions using Bayesian framework. It uses a hierarchical Bayesian framework assuming mearsurement error error It will align f2 to f1. It is based on mapping warping functions to a hypersphere, and a subsequent exponential mapping to a tangent space. In the tangent space, the \infty-HMC algorithm is used to explore both local and global structure in the posterior distribution. Usage: out = pairwise_align_bayes_infHMC(f1i, f2i, time) out = pairwise_align_bayes_infHMC(f1i, f2i, time, mcmcopts) :param y1i: vector defining M samples of function 1 :param y2i: vector defining M samples of function 2 :param time: time vector of length M :param mcmopts: dict of mcmc parameters :type mcmcopts: dict default mcmc options: mcmcopts = {"iter":1*(10**4), "nchains":4, "vpriorvar":1, "burnin":np.minimum(5*(10**3),2*(10**4)//2), "alpha0":0.1, "beta0":0.1, "alpha":1, "beta":1, "h":0.01, "L":4, "f1propvar":0.0001, "f2propvar":0.0001, "L1propvar":0.3, "L2propvar":0.3, "npoints":200, "thin":1, "sampfreq":1, "initcoef":np.repeat(0,20), "nbasis":10, "basis":'fourier', "extrainfo":True} Basis can be 'fourier' or 'legendre' :rtype collection containing :return f2_warped: aligned f2 :return gamma: warping function :return v_coef: final v_coef :return psi: final psi :return sigma1: final sigma if extrainfo :return theta_accept: accept of psi samples :return f2_accept: accept of f2 samples :return SSE: SSE :return gamma_mat: posterior gammas :return gamma_stats: posterior gamma stats :return xdist: phase distance posterior :return ydist: amplitude distance posterior) J. D. Tucker, L. Shand, and K. Chowdhary. “Multimodal Bayesian Registration of Noisy Functions using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, accepted, 2021. """ if mcmcopts is None: mcmcopts = {"iter":1*(10**4), "nchains":4 , "vpriorvar":1, "burnin":np.minimum(5*(10**3),2*(10**4)//2), "alpha0":0.1, "beta0":0.1, "alpha":1, "beta":1, "h":0.01, "L":4, "f1propvar":0.0001, "f2propvar":0.0001, "L1propvar":0.3, "L2propvar":0.3, "npoints":200, "thin":1, "sampfreq":1, "initcoef":np.repeat(0,20), "nbasis":10, "basis":'fourier', "extrainfo":True} if y1i.shape[0] != y2i.shape[0]: raise Exception('Length of f1 and f2 must be equal') if y1i.shape[0] != time.shape[0]: raise Exception('Length of f1 and time must be equal') if np.mod(mcmcopts["initcoef"].shape[0], 2) != 0: raise Exception('Length of mcmcopts.initcoef must be even') if np.mod(mcmcopts["nbasis"], 2) != 0: raise Exception('Length of mcmcopts.nbasis must be even') # set up random start points for more than 1 chain random_starts = np.zeros((mcmcopts["initcoef"].shape[0], mcmcopts["nchains"])) if mcmcopts["nchains"] > 1: for i in range(0, mcmcopts["nchains"]): randcoef = -1 + (2)*rand(mcmcopts["initcoef"].shape[0]) random_starts[:, i] = randcoef isparallel = True if mcmcopts["nchains"] == 1: isparallel = False if isparallel: mcmcopts_p = [] for i in range(0, mcmcopts["nchains"]): mcmcopts["initcoef"] = random_starts[:, i] mcmcopts_p.append(mcmcopts) # run chains if isparallel: chains = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(run_mcmc)(y1i, y2i, time, mcmcopts_p[n]) for n in range(mcmcopts["nchains"])) else: chains = [] chains1 = run_mcmc(y1i, y2i, time, mcmcopts) chains.append(chains1) # combine outputs Nsamples = chains[0]['f1'].shape[0] M = chains[0]['f1'].shape[1] f1 = np.zeros((Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"], M)) f2 = np.zeros((Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"], M)) gamma = np.zeros((M, mcmcopts["nchains"])) v_coef = np.zeros((Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"], chains[0]['v_coef'].shape[1])) psi = np.zeros((M, Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"])) sigma = np.zeros(Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"]) sigma1 = np.zeros(Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"]) sigma2 = np.zeros(Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"]) s1 = np.zeros(Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"]) s2 = np.zeros(Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"]) L1 = np.zeros(Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"]) L2 = np.zeros(Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"]) f2_warped_mu = np.zeros((M, mcmcopts["nchains"])) if mcmcopts["extrainfo"]: Nsamplesa = chains[0]['theta_accept'].shape[0] theta_accept = np.zeros(Nsamplesa*mcmcopts["nchains"]) f1_accept = np.zeros(Nsamplesa*mcmcopts["nchains"]) f2_accept = np.zeros(Nsamplesa*mcmcopts["nchains"]) L1_accept = np.zeros(Nsamplesa*mcmcopts["nchains"]) L2_accept = np.zeros(Nsamplesa*mcmcopts["nchains"]) gamma_mat = np.zeros((M,Nsamplesa*mcmcopts["nchains"])) SSE = np.zeros((Nsamplesa+1)*mcmcopts["nchains"]) logl = np.zeros((Nsamplesa+1)*mcmcopts["nchains"]) f2_warped = np.zeros((Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"], M)) phasedist = np.zeros(Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"]) ampdist = np.zeros(Nsamples*mcmcopts["nchains"]) for i in range(0, mcmcopts["nchains"]): a = (i)*Nsamples b = (i+1)*Nsamples f1[a:b, :] = chains[i]['f1'] f2[a:b, :] = chains[i]['f2'] gamma[:, i] = chains[i]['gamma'] v_coef[a:b, :] = chains[i]['v_coef'] psi[:, i] = chains[i]['psi'] sigma[a:b] = chains[i]['sigma'] sigma1[a:b] = chains[i]['sigma1'] sigma2[a:b] = chains[i]['sigma2'] s1[a:b] = chains[i]['s1'] s2[a:b] = chains[i]['s2'] L1[a:b] = chains[i]['L1'] L2[a:b] = chains[i]['L2'] f2_warped_mu[:, i] = chains[i]['f2_warped_mu'] if mcmcopts["extrainfo"]: a1 = (i)*Nsamplesa b1 = (i+1)*Nsamplesa theta_accept[a1:b1] = chains[i]['theta_accept'] f1_accept[a1:b1] = chains[i]['f1_accept'] f2_accept[a1:b1] = chains[i]['f2_accept'] L1_accept[a1:b1] = chains[i]['L1_accept'] L2_accept[a1:b1] = chains[i]['L2_accept'] gamma_mat[:, a:b] = chains[i]['gamma_mat'] a1 = (i)*(Nsamplesa) b1 = (i+1)*Nsamplesa SSE[a1:b1] = chains[i]['SSE'] logl[a1:b1] = chains[i]['logl'] f2_warped[a:b, :] = chains[i]['f2_warped'] phasedist[a:b] = chains[i]['phasedist'] ampdist[a:b] = chains[i]['ampdist'] # finding modes if mcmcopts["nchains"] > 1: Dx = np.zeros((mcmcopts["nchains"], mcmcopts["nchains"])) time1 = np.linspace(0,1,gamma.shape[0]) binsize = np.diff(time1) binsize = binsize.mean() for i in range(0, mcmcopts["nchains"]): for j in range(i+1,mcmcopts["nchains"]): psi1 = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gamma[:, i], binsize)) psi2 = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gamma[:, j], binsize)) q1dotq2 = trapz(psi1*psi2, time1) if q1dotq2 > 1: q1dotq2 = 1 elif q1dotq2 < -1: q1dotq2 = -1 Dx[i,j] = np.real(np.arccos(q1dotq2)) Dx = Dx + Dx.T # cluster modes y = squareform(Dx) Z = linkage(y, method='complete') cutoff = np.median(Dx) T = fcluster(Z, cutoff, criterion='distance') N = np.unique(T) # find mean and confidence region of cluster posterior_gamma_modes = np.zeros((M, N.shape[0])) posterior_gamma_modes_cr = np.zeros((M, 2, N.shape[0])) for i in range(1, N.shape[0]+1): idx = np.where(T == i)[0] tmp = np.zeros((M, Nsamples*idx.shape[0])) for j in range(0, idx.shape[0]): a = (j)*Nsamples b = (j+1)*Nsamples tmp[:, a:b] = chains[idx[j]]['gamma_mat'] mu, gam_mu, psi, vec = uf.SqrtMean(tmp) posterior_gamma_modes[:, i-1] = gam_mu posterior_gamma_modes_cr[:, :, i-1] = uf.statsFun(tmp) # thining f1 = f1[0::mcmcopts["thin"], :] f2 = f2[0::mcmcopts["thin"], :] v_coef = v_coef[0::mcmcopts["thin"], :] sigma = sigma[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] sigma1 = sigma1[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] sigma2 = sigma2[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] s1 = s1[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] s2 = s2[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] L1 = L1[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] L2 = L2[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] if mcmcopts["extrainfo"]: theta_accept = theta_accept[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] f1_accept = f1_accept[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] f2_accept = f2_accept[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] L1_accept = L1_accept[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] L2_accept = L2_accept[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] gamma_mat = gamma_mat[:, 0::mcmcopts["thin"]] SSE = SSE[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] logl = logl[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] f2_warped = f2_warped[0::mcmcopts["thin"], :] phasedist = phasedist[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] ampdist = ampdist[0::mcmcopts["thin"]] if mcmcopts["extrainfo"]: results_o = collections.namedtuple('align_bayes_HMC', ['f1', 'f2', 'gamma', 'v_coef', 'psi', 'sigma', 'sigma1', 'sigma2', 's1', 's2', 'L1', 'L2', 'f2_warped_mu', 'theta_accept', 'f1_accept', 'f2_accept', 'L1_accept', 'L2_accept', 'gamma_mat', 'SSE', 'logl', 'f2_warped', 'phasedist', 'ampdist']) out = results_o(f1, f2, gamma, v_coef, psi, sigma, sigma1, sigma2, s1, s2, L1, L2, f2_warped_mu, theta_accept, f1_accept, f2_accept, L1_accept, L2_accept, gamma_mat, SSE, logl, f2_warped, phasedist, ampdist) else: results_o = collections.namedtuple('align_bayes_HMC', ['f1', 'f2', 'gamma', 'v_coef', 'psi', 'sigma', 'sigma1', 'sigma2', 's1', 's2', 'L1', 'L2', 'f2_warped_mu']) out = results_o(f1, f2, gamma, v_coef, psi, sigma, sigma1, sigma2, s1, s2, L1, L2, f2_warped_mu) return(out)
def run_mcmc(y1i, y2i, time, mcmcopts): # Number of sig figs to report in gamma_mat SIG_GAM = 13 iter = mcmcopts["iter"] T = time.shape[0] # normalize time to [0,1] time = (time - time.min())/(time.max()-time.min()) # parameter settings pw_sim_global_burnin = mcmcopts["burnin"] valid_index = np.arange(pw_sim_global_burnin-1,iter) ncoef = mcmcopts["initcoef"].shape[0] nbasis = mcmcopts["nbasis"] pw_sim_global_Mv = ncoef//2 numSimPoints = T pw_sim_global_domain_par = np.linspace(0,1,numSimPoints) d_basis = uf.basis_fourierd(pw_sim_global_domain_par, nbasis) if mcmcopts["basis"] == 'fourier': v_basis = uf.basis_fourier(pw_sim_global_domain_par, pw_sim_global_Mv, 1) elif mcmcopts["basis"] == 'legendre': v_basis = uf.basis_legendre(pw_sim_global_domain_par, pw_sim_global_Mv, 1) else: raise Exception('Incorrect Basis Specified') sigma_ini = 1 v_priorvar = mcmcopts["vpriorvar"] v_coef_ini = mcmcopts["initcoef"] D = pdist(time.reshape((time.shape[0],1))) Dmat = squareform(D) C = v_priorvar / np.repeat(np.arange(1,pw_sim_global_Mv+1), 2) cholC = cholesky(np.diag(C)) h = mcmcopts["h"] L = mcmcopts["L"] def propose_v_coef(v_coef_curr): v_coef_new = normal(v_coef_curr, C.T) return v_coef_new # f1,f2 prior, propoposal params sigma1_ini = 0.01 sigma2_ini = 0.01 f1_propvar = mcmcopts["f1propvar"] f2_propvar = mcmcopts["f2propvar"] y1itmp = y1i[0::mcmcopts["sampfreq"]] timetmp = time[0::mcmcopts["sampfreq"]] kernel1 = GPy.kern.RBF(input_dim=1, variance=y1itmp.std()/np.sqrt(2), lengthscale=np.mean(timetmp.std())) y2itmp = y2i[0::mcmcopts["sampfreq"]] kernel2 = GPy.kern.RBF(input_dim=1, variance=y2itmp.std()/np.sqrt(2), lengthscale=np.mean(timetmp.std())) M1 = timetmp.shape[0] model1 = GPy.models.GPRegression(timetmp.reshape((M1,1)),y1itmp.reshape((M1,1)),kernel1) model1.optimize() model2 = GPy.models.GPRegression(timetmp.reshape((M1,1)),y2itmp.reshape((M1,1)),kernel2) model2.optimize() s1_ini = model1.kern.param_array[0] s2_ini = model2.kern.param_array[0] L1_propvar = mcmcopts["L1propvar"] L2_propvar = mcmcopts["L2propvar"] L1_ini = model2.kern.param_array[1] L2_ini = model2.kern.param_array[1] K_f1_corr = uf.exp2corr2(L1_ini,Dmat)+0.1 * np.eye(y1i.shape[0]) K_f1 = s1_ini * K_f1_corr K_f1 = inv(K_f1) K_f2_corr = uf.exp2corr2(L2_ini,Dmat)+0.1 * np.eye(y2i.shape[0]) K_f2 = s2_ini * K_f2_corr K_f2 = inv(K_f2) K_f1prop= uf.exp2corr(f1_propvar,L1_ini,Dmat) K_f2prop= uf.exp2corr(f2_propvar,L2_ini,Dmat) # result vectors v_coef = np.zeros((iter,v_coef_ini.shape[0])) sigma = np.zeros(iter) sigma1 = np.zeros(iter) sigma2 = np.zeros(iter) f1 = np.zeros((iter,time.shape[0])) f2 = np.zeros((iter,time.shape[0])) f2_warped = np.zeros((iter,time.shape[0])) s1 = np.zeros(iter) s2 = np.zeros(iter) L1 = np.zeros(iter) L2 = np.zeros(iter) logl = np.zeros(iter) SSE = np.zeros(iter) SSEprop = np.zeros(iter) theta_accept = np.zeros(iter, dtype=bool) f1_accept = np.zeros(iter, dtype=bool) f2_accept = np.zeros(iter, dtype=bool) L1_accept = np.zeros(iter, dtype=bool) L2_accept = np.zeros(iter, dtype=bool) # init v_coef_curr = v_coef_ini v_curr = uf.f_basistofunction(v_basis["x"],0,v_coef_ini,v_basis) sigma_curr = sigma_ini sigma1_curr = sigma1_ini sigma2_curr = sigma2_ini L1_curr = L1_ini L2_curr = L2_ini f1_curr, predvar = model1.predict(time.reshape((T,1))) f1_curr = f1_curr.reshape(T) f2_curr, predvar = model2.predict(time.reshape((T,1))) f2_curr = f2_curr.reshape(T) # srsf transformation q1_curr = uf.f_to_srsf(f1_curr, time) q2_curr = uf.f_to_srsf(f2_curr, time) SSE_curr = bf.f_SSEv_pw(v_curr, q1_curr, q2_curr) logl_curr, SSEv = bf.f_vpostlogl_pw(v_curr, q1_curr, q2_curr, sigma_curr, SSE_curr) v_coef[0,:] = v_coef_ini f1[0,:] = f1_curr f2[0,:] = f2_curr f2_warped[0,:] = f2_curr sigma[0] = sigma_ini sigma1[0] = sigma1_ini sigma2[0] = sigma2_ini s1[0] = s1_ini s2[0] = s2_ini L1[0] = L1_ini L2[0] = L2_ini SSE[0] = SSE_curr SSEprop[0] = SSE_curr logl[0] = logl_curr n = f1_curr.shape[0] nll, g, SSE_curr = bf.f_dlogl_pw(v_coef_curr, v_basis, d_basis, sigma_curr, q1_curr, q2_curr) # update the chain for iter-1 times for m in range(1,iter): # update f1 f1_curr, q1_curr, f1_accept1 = bf.f_updatef1_pw(f1_curr,q1_curr, y1i, q2_curr,v_coef_curr, v_basis, SSE_curr,K_f1,K_f1prop,sigma_curr,np.sqrt(sigma1_curr)) # update f2 f2_curr, q2_curr, f2_accept1 = bf.f_updatef2_pw(f2_curr,q2_curr, y2i, q1_curr,v_coef_curr, v_basis, SSE_curr,K_f2,K_f2prop,sigma_curr,np.sqrt(sigma2_curr)) # update v v_coef_curr, nll, g, SSE_curr, theta_accept1 = bf.f_updatev_pw(v_coef_curr, v_basis, np.sqrt(sigma_curr), q1_curr, q2_curr,nll, g,SSE_curr, propose_v_coef,d_basis,cholC,h,L) # update sigma^2 newshape = q1_curr.shape[0]/2 + mcmcopts["alpha"] newscale = 1/2 * SSE_curr + mcmcopts["beta"] sigma_curr = 1/np.random.gamma(newshape, 1/newscale) # update sigma1^2 newshape = n/2 + mcmcopts["alpha0"] newscale = np.sum((y1i-f1_curr)**2)/2 + mcmcopts["beta0"] sigma1_curr = 1/np.random.gamma(newshape, 1/newscale) # update sigma^2 newshape = n/2 + mcmcopts["alpha0"] newscale = np.sum((y2i-f2_curr)**2)/2 + mcmcopts["beta0"] sigma2_curr = 1/np.random.gamma(newshape, 1/newscale) # update hyperparameters # update s1^2 newshape = n/2 + mcmcopts["alpha0"] newscale = (uf.mrdivide(f1_curr,K_f1_corr) @ f1_curr.T)/2 + mcmcopts["beta0"] s1_curr = 1/np.random.gamma(newshape, 1/newscale) # update s2^2 newshape = n/2 + mcmcopts["alpha0"] newscale = (uf.mrdivide(f2_curr,K_f2_corr) @ f2_curr.T)/2 + mcmcopts["beta0"] s2_curr = 1/np.random.gamma(newshape, 1/newscale) # update L1 L1_curr, L1_accept1 = bf.f_updatephi_pw(f1_curr,K_f1,s1_curr, L1_curr, L1_propvar, Dmat) # update L2 L2_curr, L2_accept1 = bf.f_updatephi_pw(f2_curr,K_f2,s2_curr, L2_curr, L2_propvar, Dmat) K_f1_corr = uf.exp2corr2(L1_curr,Dmat)+0.1 * np.eye(y1i.shape[0]) K_f1 = s1_curr * K_f1_corr K_f1 = inv(K_f1) K_f2_corr = uf.exp2corr2(L2_curr,Dmat)+0.1 * np.eye(y2i.shape[0]) K_f2 = s2_curr * K_f2_corr K_f2 = inv(K_f2) v_curr = uf.f_basistofunction(v_basis["x"], 0, v_coef_curr, v_basis) logl_curr, SSEv1 = bf.f_vpostlogl_pw(v_curr, q1_curr, q2_curr, sigma_curr, SSE_curr) # save updates to results v_coef[m,:] = v_coef_curr f1[m,:] = f1_curr f2[m,:] = f2_curr sigma[m] = sigma_curr sigma1[m] = sigma1_curr sigma2[m] = sigma2_curr s1[m] = s1_curr s2[m] = s2_curr L1[m] = L1_curr L2[m] = L2_curr SSE[m] = SSE_curr logl[m] = logl_curr if mcmcopts["extrainfo"]: theta_accept[m] = theta_accept1 f1_accept[m] = f1_accept1 f2_accept[m] = f2_accept1 L1_accept[m] = L1_accept1 L2_accept[m] = L2_accept1 # calculate posterior mean of psi pw_sim_est_psi_matrix = np.zeros((pw_sim_global_domain_par.shape[0],valid_index.shape[0])) for k in range(0,valid_index.shape[0]): v_temp = uf.f_basistofunction(v_basis["x"],0,v_coef[valid_index[k],:],v_basis) psi_temp = uf.f_exp1(v_temp) pw_sim_est_psi_matrix[:,k] = psi_temp result_posterior_psi_simDomain = uf.f_psimean(pw_sim_global_domain_par, pw_sim_est_psi_matrix) # resample to same number of points as the input f1 and f2 interp = interp1d(np.linspace(0,1,result_posterior_psi_simDomain.shape[0]), result_posterior_psi_simDomain, fill_value="extrapolate") result_posterior_psi = interp(np.linspace(0,1,y1i.shape[0])) # transform posterior mean of psi to gamma result_posterior_gamma = uf.f_phiinv(result_posterior_psi) result_posterior_gamma = uf.norm_gam(result_posterior_gamma) if mcmcopts["extrainfo"]: M,N = pw_sim_est_psi_matrix.shape gamma_mat = np.zeros((time.shape[0],N)) one_v = np.ones(M) Dx = np.zeros(N) Dy = Dx for ii in range(0,N): interp = interp1d(np.linspace(0,1,result_posterior_psi_simDomain.shape[0]), pw_sim_est_psi_matrix[:,ii], fill_value="extrapolate") result_i = interp(time) tmp = uf.f_phiinv(result_i) gamma_mat[:,ii] = uf.norm_gam(tmp) v, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(one_v,pw_sim_est_psi_matrix[:,ii]) Dx[ii] = np.sqrt(trapz(v**2,pw_sim_global_domain_par)) q2warp = uf.warp_q_gamma(pw_sim_global_domain_par,q2_curr,gamma_mat[:,ii]) Dy[ii] = np.sqrt(trapz((q1_curr-q2warp)**2,time)) gamma_stats = uf.statsFun(gamma_mat) f1 = f1[valid_index, :] f2 = f2[valid_index, :] gamma = result_posterior_gamma v_coef = v_coef[valid_index, :] psi = result_posterior_psi sigma = sigma[valid_index] sigma1 = sigma1[valid_index] sigma2 = sigma2[valid_index] s1 = s1[valid_index] s2 = s2[valid_index] L1 = L1[valid_index] L2 = L2[valid_index] SSE = SSE[valid_index] logl = logl[valid_index] f2_warped_mu = uf.warp_f_gamma(time, f2.mean(axis=0), gamma) if mcmcopts["extrainfo"]: theta_accept = theta_accept[valid_index] f1_accept = f1_accept[valid_index] f2_accept = f2_accept[valid_index] L1_accept = L1_accept[valid_index] L2_accept = L2_accept[valid_index] phasedist = Dx ampdist = Dy f2_warped = np.zeros((valid_index.shape[0], result_posterior_gamma.shape[0])) for ii in range(0, valid_index.shape[0]): f2_warped[ii,:] = uf.warp_f_gamma(time, f2[ii,:], gamma_mat[:,ii]) if mcmcopts["extrainfo"]: out_dict = {"v_coef":v_coef, "sigma":sigma, "sigma1":sigma1, "sigma2":sigma2, "f1":f1, "f2_warped_mu":f2_warped_mu, "f2":f2, "s1":s1, "gamma":gamma, "psi":psi, "s2":s2, "L1":L1, "L2":L2, "logl":logl, "SSE":SSE, "theta_accept":theta_accept,"f1_accept":f1_accept, "f2_accept":f2_accept, "L1_accept":L1_accept, "L2_accept":L2_accept, "phasedist":phasedist, "ampdist":ampdist, "f2_warped":f2_warped, "gamma_mat":gamma_mat, "gamma_stats":gamma_stats} else: out_dict = {"v_coef":v_coef, "sigma":sigma, "sigma1":sigma1, "sigma2":sigma2, "f1":f1, "f2_warped_mu":f2_warped_mu, "f2":f2, "gamma":gamma, "psi":psi, "s1":s1, "s2":s2, "L1":L1, "L2":L2, "logl":logl, "SSE":SSE} return(out_dict)
[docs]def align_fPCA(f, time, num_comp=3, showplot=True, smoothdata=False, cores=-1): """ aligns a collection of functions while extracting principal components. The functions are aligned to the principal components :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points :param num_comp: number of fPCA components :param showplot: Shows plots of results using matplotlib (default = T) :param smooth_data: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F) :param cores: number of cores for parallel (default = -1 (all)) :type sparam: double :type smooth_data: bool :type f: np.ndarray :type time: np.ndarray :rtype: tuple of numpy array :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples :return qn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn :return q0: original srvf - similar structure to fn :return mqn: srvf mean or median - vector of length M :return gam: warping functions - similar structure to fn :return q_pca: srsf principal directions :return f_pca: functional principal directions :return latent: latent values :return coef: coefficients :return U: eigenvectors :return orig_var: Original Variance of Functions :return amp_var: Amplitude Variance :return phase_var: Phase Variance """ lam = 0.0 MaxItr = 50 coef = np.arange(-2., 3.) Nstd = coef.shape[0] M = f.shape[0] N = f.shape[1] if M > 500: parallel = True elif N > 100: parallel = True else: parallel = False eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps f0 = f if showplot: plot.f_plot(time, f, title="Original Data") # Compute SRSF function from data f, g, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(time, f, smoothdata) q = g / np.sqrt(abs(g) + eps) print ("Initializing...") mnq = q.mean(axis=1) a = mnq.repeat(N) d1 = a.reshape(M, N) d = (q - d1) ** 2 dqq = np.sqrt(d.sum(axis=0)) min_ind = dqq.argmin() print("Aligning %d functions in SRVF space to %d fPCA components..." % (N, num_comp)) itr = 0 mq = np.zeros((M, MaxItr + 1)) mq[:, itr] = q[:, min_ind] fi = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 1)) fi[:, :, 0] = f qi = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 1)) qi[:, :, 0] = q gam = np.zeros((M, N, MaxItr + 1)) cost = np.zeros(MaxItr + 1) while itr < MaxItr: print("updating step: r=%d" % (itr + 1)) if itr == MaxItr: print("maximal number of iterations is reached") # PCA Step a = mq[:, itr].repeat(N) d1 = a.reshape(M, N) qhat_cent = qi[:, :, itr] - d1 K = np.cov(qi[:, :, itr]) U, s, V = svd(K) alpha_i = np.zeros((num_comp, N)) for ii in range(0, num_comp): for jj in range(0, N): alpha_i[ii, jj] = trapz(qhat_cent[:, jj] * U[:, ii], time) U1 = U[:, 0:num_comp] tmp = qhat = d1 + tmp # Matching Step if parallel: out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)( delayed(uf.optimum_reparam)(qhat[:, n], time, qi[:, n, itr], "DP", lam) for n in range(N)) gam_t = np.array(out) gam[:, :, itr] = gam_t.transpose() else: gam[:, :, itr] = uf.optimum_reparam(qhat, time, qi[:, :, itr], "DP", lam) for k in range(0, N): time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gam[:, k, itr] + time[0] fi[:, k, itr + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, fi[:, k, itr]) qi[:, k, itr + 1] = uf.f_to_srsf(fi[:, k, itr + 1], time) qtemp = qi[:, :, itr + 1] mq[:, itr + 1] = qtemp.mean(axis=1) cost_temp = np.zeros(N) for ii in range(0, N): cost_temp[ii] = norm(qtemp[:, ii] - qhat[:, ii]) ** 2 cost[itr + 1] = cost_temp.mean() if abs(cost[itr + 1] - cost[itr]) < 1e-06: break itr += 1 if itr >= MaxItr: itrf = MaxItr else: itrf = itr+1 cost = cost[1:(itrf+1)] # Aligned data & stats fn = fi[:, :, itrf] qn = qi[:, :, itrf] q0 = qi[:, :, 0] mean_f0 = f0.mean(axis=1) std_f0 = f0.std(axis=1) mqn = mq[:, itrf] gamf = gam[:, :, 0] for k in range(1, itr): gam_k = gam[:, :, k] for l in range(0, N): time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gam_k[:, l] + time[0] gamf[:, l] = np.interp(time0, time, gamf[:, l]) # Center Mean gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gamf) gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1)) time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0] mqn = np.interp(time0, time, mqn) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev) for k in range(0, N): qn[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, qn[:, k]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev) fn[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, fn[:, k]) gamf[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, gamf[:, k]) mean_fn = fn.mean(axis=1) std_fn = fn.std(axis=1) # Get Final PCA mididx = int(np.round(time.shape[0] / 2)) m_new = np.sign(fn[mididx, :]) * np.sqrt(np.abs(fn[mididx, :])) mqn2 = np.append(mqn, m_new.mean()) qn2 = np.vstack((qn, m_new)) K = np.cov(qn2) U, s, V = svd(K) stdS = np.sqrt(s) # compute the PCA in the q domain q_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(M + 1, Nstd, num_comp), dtype=float) for k in range(0, num_comp): for l in range(0, Nstd): q_pca[:, l, k] = mqn2 + coef[l] * stdS[k] * U[:, k] # compute the correspondence in the f domain f_pca = np.ndarray(shape=(M, Nstd, num_comp), dtype=float) for k in range(0, num_comp): for l in range(0, Nstd): q_pca_tmp = q_pca[0:M, l, k] * np.abs(q_pca[0:M, l, k]) q_pca_tmp2 = np.sign(q_pca[M, l, k]) * (q_pca[M, l, k] ** 2) f_pca[:, l, k] = uf.cumtrapzmid(time, q_pca_tmp, q_pca_tmp2, mididx) N2 = qn.shape[1] c = np.zeros((N2, num_comp)) for k in range(0, num_comp): for l in range(0, N2): c[l, k] = sum((np.append(qn[:, l], m_new[l]) - mqn2) * U[:, k]) if showplot: CBcdict = { 'Bl': (0, 0, 0), 'Or': (.9, .6, 0), 'SB': (.35, .7, .9), 'bG': (0, .6, .5), 'Ye': (.95, .9, .25), 'Bu': (0, .45, .7), 'Ve': (.8, .4, 0), 'rP': (.8, .6, .7), } cl = sorted(CBcdict.keys()) # Align Plots fig, ax = plot.f_plot(np.arange(0, M) / float(M - 1), gamf, title="Warping Functions") ax.set_aspect('equal') plot.f_plot(time, fn, title="Warped Data") tmp = np.array([mean_f0, mean_f0 + std_f0, mean_f0 - std_f0]) tmp = tmp.transpose() plot.f_plot(time, tmp, title=r"Original Data: Mean $\pm$ STD") tmp = np.array([mean_fn, mean_fn + std_fn, mean_fn - std_fn]) tmp = tmp.transpose() plot.f_plot(time, tmp, title=r"Warped Data: Mean $\pm$ STD") # PCA Plots fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, num_comp) for k in range(0, num_comp): axt = ax[0, k] for l in range(0, Nstd): axt.plot(time, q_pca[0:M, l, k], color=CBcdict[cl[l]]) axt.hold(True) axt.set_title('q domain: PD %d' % (k + 1)) plot.rstyle(axt) axt = ax[1, k] for l in range(0, Nstd): axt.plot(time, f_pca[:, l, k], color=CBcdict[cl[l]]) axt.hold(True) axt.set_title('f domain: PD %d' % (k + 1)) plot.rstyle(axt) fig.set_tight_layout(True) cumm_coef = 100 * np.cumsum(s) / sum(s) idx = np.arange(0, M + 1) + 1 plot.f_plot(idx, cumm_coef, "Coefficient Cumulative Percentage") plt.xlabel("Percentage") plt.ylabel("Index") mean_f0 = f0.mean(axis=1) std_f0 = f0.std(axis=1) mean_fn = fn.mean(axis=1) std_fn = fn.std(axis=1) tmp = np.zeros(M) tmp[1:] = cumtrapz(mqn * np.abs(mqn), time) fmean = np.mean(f0[1, :]) + tmp fgam = np.zeros((M, N)) for k in range(0, N): time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gamf[:, k] + time[0] fgam[:, k] = np.interp(time0, time, fmean) var_fgam = fgam.var(axis=1) orig_var = trapz(std_f0 ** 2, time) amp_var = trapz(std_fn ** 2, time) phase_var = trapz(var_fgam, time) K = np.cov(fn) U, s, V = svd(K) align_fPCAresults = collections.namedtuple('align_fPCA', ['fn', 'qn', 'q0', 'mqn', 'gam', 'q_pca', 'f_pca', 'latent', 'coef', 'U', 'orig_var', 'amp_var', 'phase_var', 'cost']) out = align_fPCAresults(fn, qn, q0, mqn, gamf, q_pca, f_pca, s, c, U, orig_var, amp_var, phase_var, cost) return out
[docs]def align_fPLS(f, g, time, comps=3, showplot=True, smoothdata=False, delta=0.01, max_itr=100): """ This function aligns a collection of functions while performing principal least squares :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples :param g: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points :param comps: number of fPLS components :param showplot: Shows plots of results using matplotlib (default = T) :param smooth_data: Smooth the data using a box filter (default = F) :param delta: gradient step size :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations :type smooth_data: bool :type f: np.ndarray :type g: np.ndarray :type time: np.ndarray :rtype: tuple of numpy array :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples :return gn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples :return qfn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn :return qgn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn :return qf0: original srvf - similar structure to fn :return qg0: original srvf - similar structure to fn :return gam: warping functions - similar structure to fn :return wqf: srsf principal weight functions :return wqg: srsf principal weight functions :return wf: srsf principal weight functions :return wg: srsf principal weight functions :return cost: cost function value """ print ("Initializing...") binsize = np.diff(time) binsize = binsize.mean() eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps M = f.shape[0] N = f.shape[1] f0 = f g0 = g if showplot: plot.f_plot(time, f, title="f Original Data") plot.f_plot(time, g, title="g Original Data") # Compute q-function of f and g f, g1, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(time, f, smoothdata) qf = g1 / np.sqrt(abs(g1) + eps) g, g1, g2 = uf.gradient_spline(time, g, smoothdata) qg = g1 / np.sqrt(abs(g1) + eps) print("Calculating fPLS weight functions for %d Warped Functions..." % N) itr = 0 fi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1)) fi[:, :, itr] = f gi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1)) gi[:, :, itr] = g qfi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1)) qfi[:, :, itr] = qf qgi = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1)) qgi[:, :, itr] = qg wqf1, wqg1, alpha, values, costmp = pls_svd(time, qfi[:, :, itr], qgi[:, :, itr], 2, 0) wqf = np.zeros((M, max_itr + 1)) wqf[:, itr] = wqf1[:, 0] wqg = np.zeros((M, max_itr + 1)) wqg[:, itr] = wqg1[:, 0] gam = np.zeros((M, N, max_itr + 1)) tmp = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, M), (N, 1)) gam[:, :, itr] = tmp.transpose() wqf_diff = np.zeros(max_itr + 1) cost = np.zeros(max_itr + 1) cost_diff = 1 while itr <= max_itr: # warping gamtmp = np.ascontiguousarray(gam[:, :, 0]) qftmp = np.ascontiguousarray(qfi[:, :, 0]) qgtmp = np.ascontiguousarray(qgi[:, :, 0]) wqftmp = np.ascontiguousarray(wqf[:, itr]) wqgtmp = np.ascontiguousarray(wqg[:, itr]) gam[:, :, itr + 1] = fpls.fpls_warp(time, gamtmp, qftmp, qgtmp, wqftmp, wqgtmp, display=0, delta=delta, tol=1e-6, max_iter=4000) for k in range(0, N): gam_k = gam[:, k, itr + 1] time0 = (time[-1] - time[0]) * gam_k + time[0] fi[:, k, itr + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, fi[:, k, 0]) gi[:, k, itr + 1] = np.interp(time0, time, gi[:, k, 0]) qfi[:, k, itr + 1] = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, qfi[:, k, 0], gam_k) qgi[:, k, itr + 1] = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, qgi[:, k, 0], gam_k) # PLS wqfi, wqgi, alpha, values, costmp = pls_svd(time, qfi[:, :, itr + 1], qgi[:, :, itr + 1], 2, 0) wqf[:, itr + 1] = wqfi[:, 0] wqg[:, itr + 1] = wqgi[:, 0] wqf_diff[itr] = np.sqrt(sum(wqf[:, itr + 1] - wqf[:, itr]) ** 2) rfi = np.zeros(N) rgi = np.zeros(N) for l in range(0, N): rfi[l] = uf.innerprod_q(time, qfi[:, l, itr + 1], wqf[:, itr + 1]) rgi[l] = uf.innerprod_q(time, qgi[:, l, itr + 1], wqg[:, itr + 1]) cost[itr] = np.cov(rfi, rgi)[1, 0] if itr > 1: cost_diff = cost[itr] - cost[itr - 1] print("Iteration: %d - Diff Value: %f - %f" % (itr + 1, wqf_diff[itr], cost[itr])) if wqf_diff[itr] < 1e-1 or abs(cost_diff) < 1e-3: break itr += 1 cost = cost[0:(itr + 1)] # Aligned data & stats fn = fi[:, :, itr + 1] gn = gi[:, :, itr + 1] qfn = qfi[:, :, itr + 1] qf0 = qfi[:, :, 0] qgn = qgi[:, :, itr + 1] qg0 = qgi[:, :, 0] wqfn, wqgn, alpha, values, costmp = pls_svd(time, qfn, qgn, comps, 0) wf = np.zeros((M, comps)) wg = np.zeros((M, comps)) for ii in range(0, comps): wf[:, ii] = cumtrapz(wqfn[:, ii] * np.abs(wqfn[:, ii]), time, initial=0) wg[:, ii] = cumtrapz(wqgn[:, ii] * np.abs(wqgn[:, ii]), time, initial=0) gam_f = gam[:, :, itr + 1] if showplot: # Align Plots fig, ax = plot.f_plot(np.arange(0, M) / float(M - 1), gam_f, title="Warping Functions") ax.set_aspect('equal') plot.f_plot(time, fn, title="fn Warped Data") plot.f_plot(time, gn, title="gn Warped Data") plot.f_plot(time, wf, title="wf") plot.f_plot(time, wg, title="wg") align_fPLSresults = collections.namedtuple('align_fPLS', ['wf', 'wg', 'fn', 'gn', 'qfn', 'qgn', 'qf0', 'qg0', 'wqf', 'wqg', 'gam', 'values', 'cost']) out = align_fPLSresults(wf, wg, fn, gn, qfn, qgn, qf0, qg0, wqfn, wqgn, gam_f, values, cost) return out