Source code for curve_stats

statistic calculation for SRVF (curves) open and closed using Karcher
Mean and Variance

moduleauthor:: J. Derek Tucker <>

from numpy import (
from numpy import append, arccos, cumsum, sum, linspace
from numpy.linalg import svd
from numpy.random import randn
import fdasrsf.curve_functions as cf
import fdasrsf.utility_functions as uf
import fdasrsf.plot_style as plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import collections

[docs] class fdacurve: """ This class provides alignment methods for open and closed curves using the SRVF framework Usage: obj = fdacurve(beta, mode, N, scale) :param beta: numpy ndarray of shape (n, M, N) describing N curves in R^M :param mode: Open ('O') or closed curve ('C') (default 'O') :param N: resample curve to N points :param scale: scale curve to length 1 (true/false) :param q: (n,T,K) matrix defining n dimensional srvf on T samples with K srvfs :param betan: aligned curves :param qn: aligned srvfs :param basis: calculated basis :param beta_mean: karcher mean curve :param q_mean: karcher mean srvf :param gams: warping functions :param v: shooting vectors :param C: karcher covariance :param s: pca singular values :param U: pca singular vectors :param coef: pca coefficients :param pca principal directions :param qun: cost function :param lambda: lambda :param samples: random samples :param gamr: random warping functions :param cent: center :param scale: scale :param len: length of curve :param len_q: length of srvf :param mean_scale mean length :param mean_scale_q mean length srvf :param E: energy Author : J. D. Tucker (JDT) <jdtuck AT> Date : 26-Aug-2020 """ def __init__(self, beta, mode="O", N=200, scale=False): """ fdacurve Construct an instance of this class :param beta: (n,T,K) matrix defining n dimensional curve on T samples with K curves :param mode: Open ('O') or closed curve ('C') (default 'O') :param N: resample curve to N points :param scale: include scale (true/false) """ self.mode = mode self.scale = scale K = beta.shape[2] n = beta.shape[0] q = zeros((n, N, K)) beta1 = zeros((n, N, K)) cent1 = zeros((n, K)) len1 = zeros(K) lenq1 = zeros(K) for ii in range(0, K): if beta.shape[1] != N: beta1[:, :, ii] = cf.resamplecurve(beta[:, :, ii], N, mode=mode) else: beta1[:, :, ii] = beta[:, :, ii] a = -cf.calculatecentroid(beta1[:, :, ii]) beta1[:, :, ii] += tile(a, (N, 1)).T q[:, :, ii], len1[ii], lenq1[ii] = cf.curve_to_q(beta1[:, :, ii], mode) cent1[:, ii] = -a self.q = q self.beta = beta1 self.cent = cent1 self.len = len1 self.len_q = lenq1
[docs] def karcher_mean( self, rotation=True, parallel=False, lam=0.0, cores=-1, method="DP" ): """ This calculates the mean of a set of curves :param rotation: compute optimal rotation (default = T) :param parallel: run in parallel (default = F) :param lam: controls the elasticity (default = 0) :param cores: number of cores for parallel (default = -1 (all)) :param method: method to apply optimization (default="DP") options are "DP" or "RBFGS" """ n, T, N = self.beta.shape modes = ["O", "C"] mode = [i for i, x in enumerate(modes) if x == self.mode] if len(mode) == 0: mode = 0 else: mode = mode[0] # Initialize mu as one of the shapes mu = self.q[:, :, 0] betamean = self.beta[:, :, 0] itr = 0 gamma = zeros((T, N)) maxit = 20 sumd = zeros(maxit + 1) v = zeros((n, T, N)) sumv = zeros((n, T)) normvbar = zeros(maxit + 1) delta = 0.5 tolv = 1e-4 told = 5 * 1e-3 print( "Computing Karcher Mean of %d curves in SRVF space with lam=%02f" % (N, lam) ) while itr < maxit: print("updating step: %d" % (itr + 1)) if iter == maxit: print("maximal number of iterations reached") mu = mu / sqrt(cf.innerprod_q2(mu, mu)) if mode == 1: self.basis = cf.find_basis_normal(mu) else: self.basis = [] sumv = zeros((n, T)) sumd[0] = inf sumd[itr + 1] = 0 out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)( delayed(karcher_calc)( mu, self.q[:, :, n], self.basis, mode, lam, rotation, method ) for n in range(N) ) v = zeros((n, T, N)) gamma = zeros((T, N)) for i in range(0, N): v[:, :, i] = out[i][0] gamma[:, i] = out[i][1] sumv += v[:, :, i] sumd[itr + 1] = sumd[itr + 1] + out[i][2] ** 2 sumv = v.sum(axis=2) # Compute average direction of tangent vectors v_i vbar = sumv / float(N) normvbar[itr] = sqrt(cf.innerprod_q2(vbar, vbar)) normv = normvbar[itr] if (sumd[itr] - sumd[itr + 1]) < 0: break elif normv > tolv and fabs(sumd[itr + 1] - sumd[itr]) > told: # Update mu in direction of vbar mu = ( cos(delta * normvbar[itr]) * mu + sin(delta * normvbar[itr]) * vbar / normvbar[itr] ) if mode == 1: mu = cf.project_curve(mu) x = cf.q_to_curve(mu) a = -1 * cf.calculatecentroid(x) betamean = x + tile(a, [T, 1]).T else: break itr += 1 # compute average length if self.scale: self.mean_scale = (prod(self.len)) ** (1.0 / self.len.shape[0]) self.mean_scale_q = (prod(self.len_q)) ** (1.0 / self.len.shape[0]) betamean = self.mean_scale * betamean self.q_mean = mu self.beta_mean = betamean self.v = v self.qun = sumd[0 : (itr + 1)] self.E = normvbar[0 : (itr + 1)] return
[docs] def srvf_align(self, rotation=True, lam=0.0, parallel=False, cores=-1, method="DP"): """ This aligns a set of curves to the mean and computes mean if not computed :param rotation: compute optimal rotation (default = T) :param lam: controls the elasticity (default = 0) :param parallel: run in parallel (default = F) :param cores: number of cores for parallel (default = -1 (all)) :param method: method to apply optimization (default="DP") options are "DP" or "RBFGS" """ n, T, N = self.beta.shape modes = ["O", "C"] mode = [i for i, x in enumerate(modes) if x == self.mode] if len(mode) == 0: mode = 0 else: mode = mode[0] # find mean if not hasattr(self, "beta_mean"): self.karcher_mean( rotation=rotation, lam=lam, parallel=parallel, cores=cores, method=method, ) self.qn = zeros((n, T, N)) self.betan = zeros((n, T, N)) self.gams = zeros((T, N)) centroid2 = cf.calculatecentroid(self.beta_mean) self.beta_mean = self.beta_mean - tile(centroid2, [T, 1]).T # align to mean out = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)( delayed(cf.find_rotation_and_seed_unique)( self.q_mean, self.q[:, :, n], mode, lam, rotation, method ) for n in range(N) ) for ii in range(0, N): self.gams[:, ii] = out[ii][2] self.qn[:, :, ii] = out[ii][0] btmp = out[ii][1].dot(self.beta[:, :, ii]) self.betan[:, :, ii] = cf.group_action_by_gamma_coord(btmp, out[ii][2]) return
[docs] def karcher_cov(self): """ This calculates the mean of a set of curves """ if not hasattr(self, "beta_mean"): self.karcher_mean() M, N, K = self.v.shape N1 = M * N if self.scale: N1 += 1 tmpv = zeros((N1, K)) for i in range(0, K): tmp = self.v[:, :, i] tmpv1 = tmp.flatten() if self.scale: tmpv1 = append(tmpv1, self.len[i]) tmpv[:, i] = tmpv1 if self.scale: VM = mean(self.v, 2) VM = VM.flatten() VM = append(VM, self.mean_scale) tmpv = tmpv - tile(VM, [K, 1]).T self.C = cov(tmpv) else: self.C = cov(tmpv) return
[docs] def shape_pca(self, no=10): """ Computes principal direction of variation specified by no. N is Number of shapes away from mean. Creates 2*N+1 shape sequence :param no: number of direction (default 3) """ if not hasattr(self, "C"): self.karcher_cov() U1, s, V = svd(self.C) self.U = U1[:, 0:no] self.s = s[0:no] # express shapes as coefficients K = self.beta.shape[2] VM = mean(self.v, 2) VM = VM.flatten() if self.scale: VM = append(VM, self.mean_scale) x = zeros((no, K)) for ii in range(0, K): tmpv = self.v[:, :, ii] tmpv1 = tmpv.flatten() if self.scale: tmpv1 = append(tmpv1, self.len[ii]) Utmp = self.U.T x[:, ii] = - VM)) self.coef = x modes = ["O", "C"] mode = [i for i, x in enumerate(modes) if x == self.mode] if len(mode) == 0: mode = 0 else: mode = mode[0] n1, T, N1 = self.beta.shape p = zeros((n1, T, no, 10)) for j in range(0, no): for i in range(1, 11): tmp = VM + 0.5 * (i - 5) * sqrt(self.s[j]) * self.U[:, j] m, n = self.q_mean.shape if self.scale: tmp_scale = tmp[-1] tmp = tmp[0:-1] else: tmp_scale = 1 v1 = tmp.reshape(m, n) q2n = cf.elastic_shooting(self.q_mean, v1, mode) p[:, :, j, i - 1] = cf.q_to_curve(q2n, tmp_scale) self.pca = p return
[docs] def sample_shapes(self, no=3, numSamp=10): """ Computes sample shapes from mean and covariance :param no: number of direction (default 3) :param numSamp: number of samples (default 10) """ n, T = self.q_mean.shape modes = ["O", "C"] mode = [i for i, x in enumerate(modes) if x == self.mode] if len(mode) == 0: mode = 0 else: mode = mode[0] U, s, V = svd(self.C) if mode == 0: N = 2 else: N = 10 epsilon = 1.0 / (N - 1) samples = empty(numSamp, dtype=object) for i in range(0, numSamp): v = zeros((2, T)) for m in range(0, no): v = v + randn() * sqrt(s[m]) * vstack((U[0:T, m], U[T : 2 * T, m])) q1 = self.q_mean for j in range(0, N - 1): normv = sqrt(cf.innerprod_q2(v, v)) if normv < 1e-4: q2 = self.q_mean else: q2 = cos(epsilon * normv) * q1 + sin(epsilon * normv) * v / normv if mode == 1: q2 = cf.project_curve(q2) # Parallel translate tangent vector basis2 = cf.find_basis_normal(q2) v = cf.parallel_translate(v, q1, q2, basis2, mode) q1 = q2 samples[i] = cf.q_to_curve(q2) self.samples = samples return
[docs] def plot(self, multivariate=False): """ plot curve mean results :param multivariate: plot as multivariate functions instead of curves (default=False) """ if multivariate: n, T, K = self.beta.shape for jj in range(n): fig, ax = plt.subplots() for ii in range(0, K): ax.plot(linspace(0, 1, T), self.beta[jj, :, ii]) plt.title("Original Function: %d" % (jj + 1)) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() n, T, K = self.beta.shape for ii in range(0, K): ax.plot(self.beta[0, :, ii], self.beta[1, :, ii]) plt.title("Curves") ax.set_aspect("equal") plt.axis("off") plt.gca().invert_yaxis() if hasattr(self, "gams"): M = self.gams.shape[0] fig, ax = plot.f_plot( arange(0, M) / float(M - 1), self.gams, title="Warping Functions" ) if hasattr(self, "beta_mean"): if multivariate: for jj in range(n): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(linspace(0, 1, T), self.beta_mean[jj, :]) plt.title("Karcher Mean: %d" % (jj + 1)) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(self.beta_mean[0, :], self.beta_mean[1, :]) plt.title("Karcher Mean") ax.set_aspect("equal") plt.axis("off") plt.gca().invert_yaxis() if multivariate: if hasattr(self, "betan"): n, T, K = self.beta.shape for jj in range(n): fig, ax = plt.subplots() for ii in range(0, K): ax.plot(linspace(0, 1, T), self.betan[jj, :, ii]) plt.title("Aligned Function: %d" % (jj + 1))
def plot_pca(self): if not hasattr(self, "s"): raise NameError("Calculate PCA") fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(cumsum(self.s) / sum(self.s) * 100) plt.title("Variability Explained") plt.xlabel("PC") # plot principal modes of variability VM = mean(self.v, 2) VM = VM.flatten() if self.scale: VM = append(VM, self.mean_scale) modes = ["O", "C"] mode = [i for i, x in enumerate(modes) if x == self.mode] if len(mode) == 0: mode = 0 else: mode = mode[0] for j in range(0, 4): fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i in range(1, 11): tmp = VM + 0.5 * (i - 5) * sqrt(self.s[j]) * self.U[:, j] m, n = self.q_mean.shape if self.scale: tmp_scale = tmp[-1] tmp = tmp[0:-1] else: tmp_scale = 1 v1 = tmp.reshape(m, n) q2n = cf.elastic_shooting(self.q_mean, v1, mode) p = cf.q_to_curve(q2n, tmp_scale) mv = 0.2 if self.scale: mv *= self.mean_scale if i == 5: ax.plot(mv * i + p[0, :], p[1, :], "k", linewidth=2) else: ax.plot(mv * i + p[0, :], p[1, :], linewidth=2) ax.set_aspect("equal") plt.axis("off") plt.title("PD %d" % (j + 1))
def karcher_calc(mu, q, basis, closed, lam, rotation, method): # Compute shooting vector from mu to q_i qn_t, R, gamI = cf.find_rotation_and_seed_unique( mu, q, closed, lam, rotation, method ) qn_t = qn_t / sqrt(cf.innerprod_q2(qn_t, qn_t)) q1dotq2 = cf.innerprod_q2(mu, qn_t) if q1dotq2 > 1: q1dotq2 = 1 d = arccos(q1dotq2) u = qn_t - q1dotq2 * mu normu = sqrt(cf.innerprod_q2(u, u)) if normu > 1e-4: w = u * arccos(q1dotq2) / normu else: w = zeros(qn_t.shape) # Project to tangent space of manifold to obtain v_i if closed == 0: v = w else: v = cf.project_tangent(w, q, basis) return (v, gamI, d)