Source code for pcr_regression

Warping Invariant PCR Regression using SRSF

moduleauthor:: J. Derek Tucker <>


import numpy as np
import fdasrsf as fs
import fdasrsf.utility_functions as uf
import fdasrsf.fPCA as fpca
import fdasrsf.regression as rg
import fdasrsf.geometry as geo
from scipy.linalg import inv
from scipy.stats import t
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b

[docs] class elastic_pcr_regression: """ This class provides elastic pcr regression for functional data using the SRVF framework accounting for warping Usage: obj = elastic_pcr_regression(f,y,time) :param f: (M,N) % matrix defining N functions of M samples :param y: response vector of length N :param warp_data: fdawarp object of alignment :param pca: class dependent on fPCA method used object of fPCA :param alpha: intercept :param b: coefficient vector :param SSE: sum of squared errors Author : J. D. Tucker (JDT) <jdtuck AT> Date : 18-Mar-2018 """ def __init__(self, f, y, time): """ Construct an instance of the elastic_pcr_regression class :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples :param y: response vector :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points """ a = time.shape[0] if f.shape[0] != a: raise Exception("Columns of f and time must be equal") self.f = f self.y = y self.time = time
[docs] def calc_model( self, pca_method="combined", no=5, var_exp=None, smooth_data=False, sparam=25, parallel=False, C=None, ): """ This function identifies a regression model with phase-variability using elastic pca :param pca_method: string specifying pca method (options = "combined", "vert", or "horiz", default = "combined") :param no: scalar specify number of principal components (default=5) :param var_exp: compute no based on value percent variance explained (example: 0.95) :param smooth_data: smooth data using box filter (default = F) :param sparam: number of times to apply box filter (default = 25) :param parallel: run in parallel (default = F) :param C: scale balance parameter for combined method (default = None) """ if smooth_data: self.f = fs.smooth_data(self.f, sparam) N1 = self.f.shape[1] # Align Data self.warp_data = fs.fdawarp(self.f, self.time) self.warp_data.srsf_align(parallel=parallel) # Calculate PCA if pca_method == "combined": self.pca = fpca.fdajpca(self.warp_data) elif pca_method == "vert": self.pca = fpca.fdavpca(self.warp_data) elif pca_method == "horiz": self.pca = fpca.fdahpca(self.warp_data) else: raise Exception("Invalid fPCA Method") self.pca.calc_fpca(no=no, var_exp=var_exp) no = # OLS using PCA basis lam = 0 R = 0 Phi = np.ones((N1, no + 1)) Phi[:, 1:(no + 1)] = self.pca.coef xx =, Phi) inv_xx = inv(xx + lam * R) xy =, self.y) b =, xy) alpha = b[0] b = b[1:no + 1] # compute the SSE int_X = np.zeros(N1) for ii in range(0, N1): int_X[ii] = np.sum(self.pca.coef[ii, :] * b) y_pred = alpha + int_X SSE = np.sum((self.y - y_pred) ** 2) self.Ntr = len(self.y) stdev = np.sqrt(sum((y_pred - self.y) ** 2) / (self.Ntr - 2)) self.alpha = alpha self.b = b self.SSE = SSE self.stdev = stdev self.pca_method = pca_method return
[docs] def predict(self, newdata=None, alpha=0.05): """ This function performs prediction on regression model on new data if available or current stored data in object Usage: obj.predict(newdata) :param newdata: dict containing new data for prediction (needs the keys below, if None predicts on training data) :type newdata: dict :param f: (M,N) matrix of functions :param time: vector of time points :param y: truth if available :param smooth: smooth data if needed :param sparam: number of times to run filter """ omethod = self.warp_data.method lam = self.warp_data.lam M = self.time.shape[0] if newdata is not None: f = newdata["f"] time = newdata["time"] y = newdata["y"] if newdata["smooth"]: sparam = newdata["sparam"] f = fs.smooth_data(f, sparam) q1 = fs.f_to_srsf(f, time) n = q1.shape[1] self.y_pred = np.zeros(n) mq = self.warp_data.mqn fn = np.zeros((M, n)) qn = np.zeros((M, n)) gam = np.zeros((M, n)) for ii in range(0, n): gam[:, ii] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq, time, q1[:, ii], omethod, lam) fn[:, ii] = uf.warp_f_gamma(time, f[:, ii], gam[:, ii]) qn[:, ii] = uf.f_to_srsf(fn[:, ii], time) U = self.pca.U no = U.shape[1] if self.pca.__class__.__name__ == "fdajpca": m_new = np.sign(fn[, :]) * np.sqrt( np.abs(fn[, :]) ) qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new)) C = self.pca.C TT = self.time.shape[0] mu_g = self.pca.mu_g mu_psi = self.pca.mu_psi vec = np.zeros((M, n)) psi = np.zeros((TT, n)) binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time)) for i in range(0, n): psi[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:, i], binsize)) out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:, i]) vec[:, i] = out g = np.vstack((qn1, C * vec)) a = np.zeros((n, no)) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, no): tmp = g[:, i] - mu_g a[i, j] =, U[:, j]) elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == "fdavpca": m_new = np.sign(fn[, :]) * np.sqrt( np.abs(fn[, :]) ) qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new)) a = np.zeros((n, no)) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, no): tmp = qn1[:, i] - self.pca.mqn a[i, j] =, U[:, j]) elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == "fdahpca": a = np.zeros((n, no)) mu_psi = self.pca.psi_mu vec = np.zeros((M, n)) TT = self.time.shape[0] psi = np.zeros((TT, n)) binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time)) for i in range(0, n): psi[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:, i], binsize)) out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:, i]) vec[:, i] = out vm = self.pca.vec.mean(axis=1) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, no): a[i, j] = np.sum([:, i] - vm, U[:, j])) else: raise Exception("Invalid fPCA Method") self.y_int = np.zeros((n, 2)) X = inv(self.pca.coef.T @ self.pca.coef) df = self.Ntr - self.pca.coef.shape[1] - 1 for ii in range(0, n): self.y_pred[ii] = self.alpha +[ii, :], self.b) interval = ( t.ppf(alpha / 2, df) * self.stdev * np.sqrt(1 + a[ii, :] @ X @ a[ii, :]) ) self.y_int[ii, 0] = interval self.y_int[ii, 1] = -interval if y is None: self.SSE = np.nan else: self.SSE = np.sum((y - self.y_pred) ** 2) else: n = self.pca.coef.shape[0] self.y_pred = np.zeros(n) self.y_int = np.zeros((n, 2)) X = inv(self.pca.coef.T @ self.pca.coef) df = self.Ntr - self.pca.coef.shape[1] - 1 for ii in range(0, n): self.y_pred[ii] = self.alpha +[ii, :], self.b) interval = ( t.ppf(alpha / 2, df) * self.stdev * np.sqrt(1 + self.pca.coef[ii, :] @ X @ self.pca.coef[ii, :]) ) self.y_int[ii, 0] = interval self.y_int[ii, 1] = -interval self.SSE = np.sum((self.y - self.y_pred) ** 2) return
[docs] class elastic_lpcr_regression: """ This class provides elastic logistic pcr regression for functional data using the SRVF framework accounting for warping Usage: obj = elastic_lpcr_regression(f,y,time) :param f: (M,N) % matrix defining N functions of M samples :param y: response vector of length N (-1/1) :param warp_data: fdawarp object of alignment :param pca: class dependent on fPCA method used object of fPCA :param information: :param alpha: intercept :param b: coefficient vector :param Loss: logistic loss :param PC: probability of classification :param ylabels: predicted labels Author : J. D. Tucker (JDT) <jdtuck AT> Date : 18-Mar-2018 """ def __init__(self, f, y, time): """ Construct an instance of the elastic_lpcr_regression class :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples :param y: response vector :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points """ a = time.shape[0] if f.shape[0] != a: raise Exception("Columns of f and time must be equal") self.f = f self.y = y self.time = time
[docs] def calc_model( self, pca_method="combined", no=5, smooth_data=False, sparam=25, parallel=False ): """ This function identifies a logistic regression model with phase-variability using elastic pca :param pca_method: string specifying pca method (options = "combined", "vert", or "horiz", default = "combined") :param no: scalar specify number of principal components (default=5) :param smooth_data: smooth data using box filter (default = F) :param sparam: number of times to apply box filter (default = 25) :param parallel: calculate in parallel (default = F) :type f: np.ndarray :type time: np.ndarray """ if smooth_data: self.f = fs.smooth_data(self.f, sparam) N1 = self.f.shape[1] # Align Data self.warp_data = fs.fdawarp(self.f, self.time) self.warp_data.srsf_align(parallel=parallel) # Calculate PCA if pca_method == "combined": self.pca = fpca.fdajpca(self.warp_data) elif pca_method == "vert": self.pca = fpca.fdavpca(self.warp_data) elif pca_method == "horiz": self.pca = fpca.fdahpca(self.warp_data) else: raise Exception("Invalid fPCA Method") self.pca.calc_fpca(no) # OLS using PCA basis lam = 0 R = 0 Phi = np.ones((N1, no + 1)) Phi[:, 1 : (no + 1)] = self.pca.coef # Find alpha and beta using l_bfgs b0 = np.zeros(no + 1) out = fmin_l_bfgs_b( rg.logit_loss, b0, fprime=rg.logit_gradient, args=(Phi, self.y), pgtol=1e-10, maxiter=200, maxfun=250, factr=1e-30, ) b = out[0] alpha = b[0] # compute the Loss LL = rg.logit_loss(b, Phi, self.y) b = b[1 : no + 1] self.alpha = alpha self.b = b self.LL = LL self.pca_method = pca_method return
[docs] def predict(self, newdata=None): """ This function performs prediction on regression model on new data if available or current stored data in object Usage: obj.predict(newdata) :param newdata: dict containing new data for prediction (needs the keys below, if None predicts on training data) :type newdata: dict :param f: (M,N) matrix of functions :param time: vector of time points :param y: truth if available :param smooth: smooth data if needed :param sparam: number of times to run filter """ omethod = self.warp_data.method lam = self.warp_data.lam M = self.time.shape[0] if newdata != None: f = newdata["f"] time = newdata["time"] y = newdata["y"] if newdata["smooth"]: sparam = newdata["sparam"] f = fs.smooth_data(f, sparam) q1 = fs.f_to_srsf(f, time) n = q1.shape[1] self.y_pred = np.zeros(n) mq = self.warp_data.mqn fn = np.zeros((M, n)) qn = np.zeros((M, n)) gam = np.zeros((M, n)) for ii in range(0, n): gam[:, ii] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq, time, q1[:, ii], omethod) fn[:, ii] = uf.warp_f_gamma(time, f[:, ii], gam[:, ii]) qn[:, ii] = uf.f_to_srsf(fn[:, ii], time) U = self.pca.U no = U.shape[1] if self.pca.__class__.__name__ == "fdajpca": m_new = np.sign(fn[, :]) * np.sqrt( np.abs(fn[, :]) ) qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new)) C = self.pca.C TT = self.time.shape[0] mu_g = self.pca.mu_g mu_psi = self.pca.mu_psi vec = np.zeros((M, n)) psi = np.zeros((TT, n)) binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time)) for i in range(0, n): psi[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:, i], binsize)) out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:, i]) vec[:, i] = out g = np.vstack((qn1, C * vec)) a = np.zeros((n, no)) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, no): tmp = g[:, i] - mu_g a[i, j] =, U[:, j]) elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == "fdavpca": m_new = np.sign(fn[, :]) * np.sqrt( np.abs(fn[, :]) ) qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new)) a = np.zeros((n, no)) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, no): tmp = qn1[:, i] - self.pca.mqn a[i, j] =, U[:, j]) elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == "fdahpca": a = np.zeros((n, no)) mu_psi = self.pca.psi_mu vec = np.zeros((M, n)) TT = self.time.shape[0] psi = np.zeros((TT, n)) binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time)) for i in range(0, n): psi[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:, i], binsize)) out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:, i]) vec[:, i] = out vm = self.pca.vec.mean(axis=1) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, no): a[i, j] = np.sum([:, i] - vm, U[:, j])) else: raise Exception("Invalid fPCA Method") for ii in range(0, n): self.y_pred[ii] = self.alpha + np.sum(a[ii, :] * self.b) if y is None: self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred) self.y_labels = np.ones(n) self.y_labels[self.y_pred < 0.5] = -1 self.PC = np.nan else: self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred) self.y_labels = np.ones(n) self.y_labels[self.y_pred < 0.5] = -1 TP = np.sum(y[self.y_labels == 1] == 1) FP = np.sum(y[self.y_labels == -1] == 1) TN = np.sum(y[self.y_labels == -1] == -1) FN = np.sum(y[self.y_labels == 1] == -1) self.PC = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN) else: n = self.pca.coef.shape[0] self.y_pred = np.zeros(n) for ii in range(0, n): self.y_pred[ii] = self.alpha +[ii, :], self.b) self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred) self.y_labels = np.ones(n) self.y_labels[self.y_pred < 0.5] = -1 TP = np.sum(self.y[self.y_labels == 1] == 1) FP = np.sum(self.y[self.y_labels == -1] == 1) TN = np.sum(self.y[self.y_labels == -1] == -1) FN = np.sum(self.y[self.y_labels == 1] == -1) self.PC = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN) return
[docs] class elastic_mlpcr_regression: """ This class provides elastic multinomial logistic pcr regression for functional data using the SRVF framework accounting for warping Usage: obj = elastic_mlpcr_regression(f,y,time) :param f: (M,N) % matrix defining N functions of M samples :param y: response vector of length N :param Y: coded label matrix :param warp_data: fdawarp object of alignment :param pca: class dependent on fPCA method used object of fPCA :param information: :param alpha: intercept :param b: coefficient vector :param Loss: logistic loss :param PC: probability of classification :param ylabels: predicted labels Author : J. D. Tucker (JDT) <jdtuck AT> Date : 18-Mar-2018 """ def __init__(self, f, y, time): """ Construct an instance of the elastic_mlpcr_regression class :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples :param y: response vector :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points """ a = time.shape[0] if f.shape[0] != a: raise Exception("Columns of f and time must be equal") self.f = f self.y = y self.time = time N1 = f.shape[1] # Code labels m = y.max() self.n_classes = m self.Y = np.zeros((N1, m), dtype=int) for ii in range(0, N1): self.Y[ii, y[ii] - 1] = 1
[docs] def calc_model( self, pca_method="combined", no=5, smooth_data=False, sparam=25, parallel=False ): """ This function identifies a logistic regression model with phase-variability using elastic pca :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples :param y: numpy array of N responses :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points :param pca_method: string specifying pca method (options = "combined", "vert", or "horiz", default = "combined") :param no: scalar specify number of principal components (default=5) :param smooth_data: smooth data using box filter (default = F) :param sparam: number of times to apply box filter (default = 25) :param parallel: run model in parallel (default = F) :type f: np.ndarray :type time: np.ndarray """ if smooth_data: self.f = fs.smooth_data(self.f, sparam) N1 = self.f.shape[1] # Align Data self.warp_data = fs.fdawarp(self.f, self.time) self.warp_data.srsf_align(parallel=parallel) # Calculate PCA if pca_method == "combined": self.pca = fpca.fdajpca(self.warp_data) elif pca_method == "vert": self.pca = fpca.fdavpca(self.warp_data) elif pca_method == "horiz": self.pca = fpca.fdahpca(self.warp_data) else: raise Exception("Invalid fPCA Method") self.pca.calc_fpca(no) # OLS using PCA basis lam = 0 R = 0 Phi = np.ones((N1, no + 1)) Phi[:, 1 : (no + 1)] = self.pca.coef # Find alpha and beta using l_bfgs b0 = np.zeros(self.n_classes * (no + 1)) out = fmin_l_bfgs_b( rg.mlogit_loss, b0, fprime=rg.mlogit_gradient, args=(Phi, self.Y), pgtol=1e-10, maxiter=200, maxfun=250, factr=1e-30, ) b = out[0] B0 = b.reshape(no + 1, self.n_classes) alpha = B0[0, :] # compute the Loss LL = rg.mlogit_loss(b, Phi, self.y) b = B0[1 : no + 1, :] self.alpha = alpha self.b = b self.LL = LL self.pca_method = pca_method return
[docs] def predict(self, newdata=None): """ This function performs prediction on regression model on new data if available or current stored data in object Usage: obj.predict(newdata) :param newdata: dict containing new data for prediction (needs the keys below, if None predicts on training data) :type newdata: dict :param f: (M,N) matrix of functions :param time: vector of time points :param y: truth if available :param smooth: smooth data if needed :param sparam: number of times to run filter """ omethod = self.warp_data.method lam = self.warp_data.lam m = self.n_classes M = self.time.shape[0] if newdata != None: f = newdata["f"] time = newdata["time"] y = newdata["y"] if newdata["smooth"]: sparam = newdata["sparam"] f = fs.smooth_data(f, sparam) q1 = fs.f_to_srsf(f, time) n = q1.shape[1] self.y_pred = np.zeros((n, m)) mq = self.warp_data.mqn fn = np.zeros((M, n)) qn = np.zeros((M, n)) gam = np.zeros((M, n)) for ii in range(0, n): gam[:, ii] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq, time, q1[:, ii], omethod) fn[:, ii] = uf.warp_f_gamma(time, f[:, ii], gam[:, ii]) qn[:, ii] = uf.f_to_srsf(fn[:, ii], time) U = self.pca.U no = U.shape[1] if self.pca.__class__.__name__ == "fdajpca": m_new = np.sign(fn[, :]) * np.sqrt( np.abs(fn[, :]) ) qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new)) C = self.pca.C TT = self.time.shape[0] mu_g = self.pca.mu_g mu_psi = self.pca.mu_psi vec = np.zeros((M, n)) psi = np.zeros((TT, n)) binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time)) for i in range(0, n): psi[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:, i], binsize)) out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:, i]) vec[:, i] = out g = np.vstack((qn1, C * vec)) a = np.zeros((n, no)) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, no): tmp = g[:, i] - mu_g a[i, j] =, U[:, j]) elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == "fdavpca": m_new = np.sign(fn[, :]) * np.sqrt( np.abs(fn[, :]) ) qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new)) a = np.zeros((n, no)) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, no): tmp = qn1[:, i] - self.pca.mqn a[i, j] =, U[:, j]) elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == "fdahpca": a = np.zeros((n, no)) mu_psi = self.pca.psi_mu vec = np.zeros((M, n)) TT = self.time.shape[0] psi = np.zeros((TT, n)) binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time)) for i in range(0, n): psi[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:, i], binsize)) out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:, i]) vec[:, i] = out vm = self.pca.vec.mean(axis=1) for i in range(0, n): for j in range(0, no): a[i, j] = np.sum([:, i] - vm, U[:, j])) else: raise Exception("Invalid fPCA Method") for ii in range(0, n): for jj in range(0, m): self.y_pred[ii, jj] = self.alpha[jj] + np.sum( a[ii, :] * self.b[:, jj] ) if y is None: self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred.reshape((1, n * m))) self.y_pred = self.y_pred.reshape((n, m)) self.y_labels = np.argmax(self.y_pred, axis=1) self.PC = np.nan else: self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred.reshape((1, n * m))) self.y_pred = self.y_pred.reshape((n, m)) self.y_labels = np.argmax(self.y_pred, axis=1) self.PC = np.zeros(m) cls_set = np.arange(0, m) for ii in range(0, m): cls_sub = np.setdiff1d(cls_set, ii) TP = np.sum(y[self.y_labels == ii] == ii) FP = np.sum(y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] == ii) TN = np.sum( y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] == self.y_labels[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] ) FN = np.sum(np.in1d(y[self.y_labels == ii], cls_sub)) self.PC[ii] = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN) self.PCo = np.sum(y == self.y_labels) / self.y_labels.shape[0] else: n = self.pca.coef.shape[0] self.y_pred = np.zeros((n, m)) for ii in range(0, n): for jj in range(0, m): self.y_pred[ii, jj] = self.alpha[jj] + np.sum( self.pca.coef[ii, :] * self.b[:, jj] ) self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred.reshape((1, n * m))) self.y_pred = self.y_pred.reshape((n, m)) self.y_labels = np.argmax(self.y_pred, axis=1) self.PC = np.zeros(m) cls_set = np.arange(0, m) for ii in range(0, m): cls_sub = np.setdiff1d(cls_set, ii) TP = np.sum(self.y[self.y_labels == ii] == ii) FP = np.sum(self.y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] == ii) TN = np.sum( self.y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] == self.y_labels[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] ) FN = np.sum(np.in1d(y[self.y_labels == ii], cls_sub)) self.PC[ii] = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN) self.PCo = np.sum(y == self.y_labels) / self.y_labels.shape[0] return